The Cyclist

in voilk •  4 months ago

    A contest made possible by @wakeupkitty and @freewritehouse.

    As soon as the helicopter dropped him and his bicycle, the Cyclist surveyed the steep and narrow cliff, as a predator would his prey, this was going to be the most dangerous stunt he had ever pulled in his whole life and he knew fear, but just as soon, he banished it from his thoughts, there was no room for that. Afterall he was a daredevil by trade and has been doing stuffs like this from his youth, it was his passion, it was what he lived for, danger was what he breathed. Then he smiled, one million dollars was a whole lot of money and the film company had already paid him half of it, upfront, in sweet currency.

    He was part of a film crew, he was to capture the heart-stopping moments as a footage for an upcoming thriller, a movie which has all the trimmings of a blockbuster. His role was very vital in drawing the viewers into the heart and soul of raw adventure, the greater the adrenaline rush, the greater the cinematic experience. He understood his audience and he was going to give them what they wanted.

    Far below, the waves furiously crashed against jagged rocks as if willing him to dare make a move, he knew that any misstep would have very dire consequences, he was on a mission with just two outcomes, victory or loss. He dared not think of the latter, he was going to give this stunt his best. He must win for Tracy and their two kids, he had promised her this was going to be his last job as a stuntman. With the money, he would be able to live a peaceful and comfortable life with his family.

    From the summit, he looked around him again, the raw and awe-inspiring power of Nature, in the billowing waves, in the fast moving clouds , in the very thick unyielding fog and in the flock of birds heading south, fleeing from the coming danger.

    With one last sigh and a prayer to the heavens, he started pedaling on his downward journey, through the treacherous path, with the practical skill of many years and sheer determination. He defied the howling winds and the tumultuous waves, he defeated fear in all its forms. His clipped hair was blown about by the winds, his hands were clammy with sweat, there was an adrenaline flood and then a hint of fear for an instant, but he knew just one thing, he couldn't afford to fail.

    As he neared the foot of the Cliff, he saw Tracy and the kids, his cheerleaders, he didn't expect to see them there, but they were the catalysts he needed to cross the final hurdle, onto victory.

    He smiled again, he had conquered the treacherous cliffs for himself, not just for the film company but for himself and his family. He stretched out his arms for his wife and kids, amidst thunderous applause and cheers.

    Thank you for the challenge.

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