Rosanne y su piano negro | Historia [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Edited in Canva

    Rosanne era una mujer de 20 años de edad, muy elegante, amable y su vida no era la mejor, gastos, responsabilidades y asumió la tarea de mudarse sola y comenzar a crear su propia vida independiente. Era una chica que desde muy pequeña edad tenía una gran pasión por tocar un instrumento musical y siempre tenía el sueño de poder comparar su propio piano, por eso desde que se despertaba hasta horas de la tarde era trabajando y se preocupaba por cumplir ese sueño, sentía que tarde o temprano ese piano llegaría y de esa manera demostrar su talento y hacer feliz a muchas personas.

    Desde pequeña le gustaba ir a tocar un piano en la escuela que estudio, pasaba horas tocando cada melodía con ese instrumento y sentía una conexión muy grande, era lo único que la hacía feliz. Muchos de sus compañeros le daban motivación y palabras de aliento para que no se rindiera hasta poder tener ese piano, como otras que solo se burlaban de ella por su estabilidad, sin duda la chica no se detenía por ese tipo de comentarios y salía cada día con las mejores aptitudes.

    Rosanne no tenía tiempo suficiente para crear canciones nuevas con el piano, ya qué, sino quién iba a cubrir los gatos y miles de cosas que pasaban por su cabeza y no la dejaban estar tranquila tocando el piano como ella siempre quiso. Así pasaban los meses y los ahorros poco a poco fueron creciendo y no gastaba nada, demostrando ese papel de una joven trabajadora y con un sueño por cumplir y llevar la música otro nivel.

    Esta chicha era tan amable que siempre la invitaban a la escuela para que así pudiera tocar varias canciones con el piano a los niños, siendo una oportunidad única y de esa manera poder darse a conocer. Le gustaba mucho y cada día mejoraba, aprendía y estar muy comprometida con el piano, llegó a recibir muy buenos aplausos, pago por ese talento y ofertas de personas para contratarla en otra escuela, sin embargo, ella sentía ese miedo de que lo podían hacer daño.

    Rosanne was a 20 year old woman, very elegant, kind and her life was not the best, expenses, responsibilities and she took on the task of moving on her own and start creating her own independent life. She was a girl who from a very young age had a great passion for playing a musical instrument and always had the dream of being able to compare her own piano, so from the time she woke up until the afternoon hours was working and worried about fulfilling that dream, she felt that sooner or later that piano would arrive and thus demonstrate her talent and make many people happy.

    Since she was a little girl she liked to play the piano at school, she spent hours playing each melody with that instrument and felt a great connection, it was the only thing that made her happy. Many of her classmates gave her motivation and words of encouragement so that she would not give up until she could have that piano, like others who only made fun of her for her stability, without a doubt the girl did not stop for that kind of comments and went out every day with the best skills.

    Rosanne did not have enough time to create new songs with the piano, otherwise who was going to cover the cats and thousands of things that went through her head and did not allow her to play the piano as she always wanted. Months went by and her savings grew little by little and she didn't spend anything, demonstrating the role of a young hard worker with a dream to fulfill and take music to another level.

    This chicha was so kind that she was always invited to the school so she could play several songs with the piano to the children, being a unique opportunity and in that way to be able to make herself known. She liked it very much and every day she was improving, learning and being very committed to the piano, she got very good applause, payment for her talent and offers from people to hire her in another school, however, she felt that fear that they could hurt her.

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    Pasaron varios meses y llego el momento de poder comprar ese gran piano, un pino negro, alto, moderno, lujoso y dejo mucho dinero allí, pero ella estaba seguro de que podía recuperarlo con sus canciones, por ende las responsabilidades crecieron. Rosanne entendió la realidad, que con trabajo y dedicación se lograban muchas cosas en la vida, así que para donde ella iba cargaba con su piano, recorriendo varias plazas y la alegría de esta chica era muy grande.

    A Rosanne, no le dio tiempo más trabajar, su vida estaba teniendo otro giro con la música y por supuesto que tener dos trabajos para ella era imposible, ya que alguno de los dos iba a fracasar, donde solo pensaba donde sería su próxima presentación, cuál canción iba a interpretar, para así poder prepararse. Un día le toco presentarse en una ciudad nueva y se dio cuenta de que no había nadie, sin duda comenzó a tocar el piano y más bien se alejaban, siendo triste para ella. Se puso a pensar lo que estaba pasando, donde dejo de ir a la escuela y hacer feliz a los niños, donde le dieron ese gran empujón, por tocar en lugares que nadie la escuchaba en su mayoría.

    Comenzó a frustrarse, no tenía las mismas oportunidades y tenía muchas ganas de regresar a la escuela por la vergüenza y la decepción era grande, donde ahora solo estaba ella y su piano, quedando con un gran vacío y ese dolor de hacer feliz a los niños. Notaba como muchos comenzaron hablar de ella, sin duda le llego una carta de parte de la escuela, si quería tomar el puesto como profesora de piano, no sabía qué hacer y con el paso de los días fue. Tomando como reflexión que de los errores se aprende y al llegar recibió muchos abrazos de los niños, entre lágrimas comenzaron con esa primera clase de piano.

    Several months passed and the time came to buy that great piano, a black pine, tall, modern, luxurious and she left a lot of money there, but she was sure that she could recover it with her songs, therefore the responsibilities grew. Rosanne understood the reality that with hard work and dedication many things in life could be achieved, so wherever she went she carried her piano, touring several squares and the joy of this girl was very great.

    Rosanne did not have time to work anymore, her life was taking another turn with music and of course having two jobs for her was impossible, since one of them was going to fail, and she only thought about where her next presentation would be, which song she was going to perform, in order to prepare herself. One day it was her turn to perform in a new city and she realized that there was no one there, no doubt she started to play the piano and they were rather walking away, being sad for her. She began to think about what was happening, where she stopped going to school and making children happy, where she was given that big push, for playing in places where no one would listen to her for the most part.

    She began to get frustrated, she did not have the same opportunities and she wanted to go back to school because of the shame and disappointment, where now there was only her and her piano, leaving her with a great emptiness and the pain of making children happy. She noticed how many began to talk about her, no doubt she received a letter from the school, if she wanted to take the position as piano teacher, she did not know what to do and as the days went by she went. As a reflection, she thought that one learns from one's mistakes and when she arrived she received many hugs from the children, between tears they started with that first piano lesson.

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    Al finalizar el primer lapso en la escuela tenían una presentación todo el grupo de niños junto a Rossane en el gran auditorio de la escuela, mucho de los niños ya tenía su propio piano y entre todos fueron tocando varias canciones, se sentía una gran conexión y pasión por parte del grupo y al finalizar cada canción los aplausos iban incrementando, hasta que al final Rosanne le toco interpretar una pieza música sola, que se la encargo el director.

    Todos estaba contento y felices por ese gran trabajo que había logrado con los niños y uno de los padres de los pequeños era gerente de la empresa musical de Risingstar, ofreciéndole una oportunidad de trabajo, formar un contrato y obtener una carta personalidad, donde lo logro por su gran talento. Sin embargo, se decidió a seguir formando niños y poder sacarle una sonrisa cada uno de ellos, como su padre logro hacer con Rosanne estando en la escuela.

    At the end of the first term at the school they had a presentation of the whole group of children with Rossane in the large auditorium of the school, many of the children already had their own piano and between all of them they were playing several songs, there was a great connection and passion from the group and at the end of each song the applause was increasing, until at the end Rosanne had to play a piece of music alone, which was commissioned by the director. T

    Everyone was happy for the great work she had achieved with the children and one of the parents of the children was the manager of the musical company Risingstar, offering her a job opportunity, a contract and a personality card, where she achieved it for her great talent. However, he was determined to continue training children and to be able to bring a smile to each one of them, as his father was able to do with Rosanne when she was in school.

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