Saturday Savers Club / week 7 - Level 11 unlocked and advancing

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good morning fellow savers!

    Here we are, coming off the least productive week since we started this challenge, from here we have struggled a bit, however, there is not too much stress or despair, we are not alarmed as we are still focused on doing what is necessary to continue moving forward to achieve the goals we have set.

    Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

    Anyway, the year continues to move forward without stopping and as long as the mood and disposition is maintained, plus some unforeseen situations do not arise, everything indicates that we will achieve more when we read the progress of everyone in the community and some other things that happen and encourage you to continue battling towards the main goal.

    Last weekend I received a pat on the back, a show of support that was received as an encouragement to keep moving forward, for which I am very grateful to @hoosie, @eddie-earner, @shanibeer and all this beautiful team of this wonderful community, friends do an excellent job and it is possible that more than a community they are building the investors of the future.

    My weekly report...

    This is a weekly report that comes a little late, however, I don't want to lose a week without doing it, the reason was that as I had no rewards for recamar, I had to bring some "terra firma" to catch up with my main goal HBD.

    According to the picture I have of my weekly control, this report is from week 11 and is running week 12, however this is my week 8 turning in my report, my 8th consecutive report and I don't want to disrupt this sequence, so I may be late but I will get there.


    According to this image taken from HiveStats my rewards for last week were these 0.52 Hive Power and 0.17 HBD, nothing encouraging but nothing that is going to make us give up our goals, work harder and keep improving.


    In relation to my secondary goal this week there was not much progress, I only grew about 1 Hive Power although it is very little I consider it is growth, so I am still close to 400 HP towards my goal of 600 HP, I must say that at first I was not sure how it would turn out, today in my week 8 report I am convinced that it will not be so difficult.


    This is my main objective, it is planned that I manage to save about 700 HBD and so far everything is going according to plan, step by step as the 365 days challenge is designed.

    This week according to the plan was scheduled to close with a little more than 29 HBD, we are closing with a little more than 30 HBD taking into account that I have claimed on two occasions the interest generated by saving on the platform, experiencing the power of compound interest.

    Daily and weekly monitoring


    As you can see in the image there are already 77 days in which we have been able to meet the proposed challenge, this is my main goal and I hope to be able to celebrate at the end of the year when I cross the finish line.

    Control semanal.png

    Level 11 has already been unlocked and we are moving towards level 12, and to be honest it is something that at the end of the year was not in my plans, but now it is something that is taking root and growing as a healthy and very beneficial practice for my family.

    I hope, as a good friend said, to have a story of improvement to tell to my children and grandchildren, that what started as an exercise to discipline myself in the practice of saving and investing will be the "lifesaver" that my family needed.

    Summary of my weekly progress

    HIVE POWER333.1996000.815396.60410.56%

    To conclude I would like to express my most sincere words of thanks to all this beautiful community that welcomed me and always have a way to encourage all members to stay focused on the goal, it may be a small community now, but I am sure that many more people will be joining to form the great community of savers of this Blockchain.

    Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner

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