Memoir Monday #40//What were your favorite books or stories when you were a child? [Eng/Esp]

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Excellent week that has already begun for each of you. Greetings @ericvancewalton with the invitation to remember what book attracted us in childhood.

    If you'd like to participate, here are Directions

    As we advance in age, remembering is a nice way to find in childhood or in some stage of our life that moment that made us happy without so many complications, in those times when the world was too big for us children without thinking that advancing in years there are many changes that have made society change or make us look at things differently. Or it can also be that we make reference and say when in my time.

    To talk about reading books in a space and town where I grew up in spite of that I attended a private school because it was part of the benefits that my father obtained for being a worker in an oil company, actually my parents were not much reading and say how many books they have read or talk about books was not theirs, my mother was attending us, many people at home, we were brothers, plus 2 maternal cousins were annexed because in their villages did not reach the high school.

    Anyway, my father did read the newspaper, every Sunday he liked to buy the newspaper El Nacional, that was his reading, my mother did not see her reading.

    In 1973, when I was 10 years old, I started the 4th grade of elementary school and among the books there was a reading book called Año 2000 (Year 2000), just with that title I could only see the name and I could count my age, ¿how old I would be in the year 2000?.


    I liked this book so much that I think that every story I read it and read it reflects the united family system although with a technology that when we reached the year 2000 what its author wrote in that book was a reality not so far away with the advances that we have lived, the truth is that I never looked at its author, a few months ago I looked for it on the web and I did not find the book.

    Each chapter was a day in the family, how they communicated, how they moved, the jobs of the fathers, the mother kept at home with her household chores and home manager, the children with their intelligence based on the experience that at that time was not called technology, now we call it technology.

    This overwhelming technology that every day surprises us more and more, gives me a scare when I think that the time will come when I won't be able to handle it, well that's what I say now, but it is learning and we can all learn.

    That book, I remember it so much because I really remember it, even if I was not assigned to read it, I would take it under my arm and I would sit at the end of the yard, under the shade of a bush, under that shade to read some pages of some chapters that I liked and I would dream: what will I be like in the year 2000, what profession will I have, and so many other things.

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    Excelente semana que ya iniciò para cada uno de ustedes. Saludos @ericvancewalton con la invitaciòn a recordar que libro nos atraìa en la infancia.

    Si es gusto participar, aquì dejo Las indicaciones para hacerlo

    En la medida que avanzamos en edad, recordar es una forma bonita de encontrar en la infancia o en alguna etapa de nuestra vida ese momento que nos hizo feliz sin tantas complicaciones, en esas èpocas cuando el mundo era muy grande para nosotros los niños sin pensar que avanzando en años son muchos los cambios que han hecho que la sociedad cambie o nos hace mirar las cosas diferentes. O puede ser tambièn que hagamos referencia y decir cuando en mis tiempos.

    Hablar de libros de lectura en un espacio y pueblo donde me criè a pesar de eso asistì a un colegio privado porque era parte de los beneficios que obtenìa mi padre por ser obrero en una compañìa de petròleos, en realidad mis padres no eran de mucho leer y decir cuantos libros han leìdo o hablar sobre libros no era de ellos, mi madre se la pasaba atendièndonos, mucha gente en casa, fuimos hermanos, ademàs se anexaron 2 primos maternos porque en sus pueblos no llegaba el bachillerato.

    En fin , mi padre si leìa el periòdico, todos los domingos le gustaba comprar el diario El Nacional, esa era su lectura que realizaba, mi madre no la veìa leer.

    Yo, como parte de mi educaciòn escolar solicitaban libros que de una u otra forma los compraban porque era parte de la lista de ùtiles escolares, en l973, con 10 años iniciè el 4to grado de primaria y entre los libros estaba el de lectura que llevaba por nombre Año 2000, nada màs con ese tìtulo solo veìa el nombre y sacaba la cuenta de mi edad , ¿que edad voy a tener en el año 2000?.


    Este libro me gustaba tanto que creo que cada historia la leìa y la volvìa a leer...en el se refleja el sistema de familia unida aunque con una tecnologìa que cuando llegamos al año 2000 lo que escribiò su autor en ese libro era una realidad no tan lejana con los avances que hemos vivido, la verdad nunca me fijè en su autor, hace unos meses lo busquè en la web y no di con el libro.

    Cada capìtulo era un dìa en la familia, como se comunicaban, como se trasladaban, los trabajos de los papàs, se mantenìa la madre en casa con sus oficios de hogar y administradora del hogar, los hijos con su inteligencia basada en la experiencia que en ese momento no se llamaba tecnologìa, ahora lo llamamos tecnologìa.

    Una tecnologìa abrumadora que cada dìa nos sorprende màs, me da un sustico cuando pienso que llegarà el momento que no podrè manejarla, bueno eso digo ahora , pero es aprendizaje y todos podemos aprender.

    Ese libro, lo recuerdo tanto porque de verdad asì no me asignaran tareas de lectura lo tomaba debajo del brazo y me sentaba al final del patio , bajo una planta de jobos, bajo esa sombra a leer unas pàginas de algunos capìtulos que me agradaban y soñaba: ¿còmo voy a ser en el año 2000, que profesiòn tendrè? y asì muchas cosas màs.

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