A slow start day starting to warm up toward the thirties. Cue to hide at home and do investing stuff - been a huge uranium week with holdings up 9.8% in a week markets went down.
Pushed hard mid-afternoon to go walking. Chose to walk to East Gordon to check out access to the bush on Hide Gully Creek. Walk started out as a check out the houses - a few oldies down Rosedale Street
A few single stories below the road
Another next door - they did do the dormer windows
Turned off onto a side road - this single storey did get a new garage. Still got some of the old mouldings
Next door - got a do up to go double storey and pseudo face brick. Is not a subdivision - the street number is not an A/B
Across the way - the modern owners want boxes like this - lots of bedrooms and a pool at the back
An oldie
Waiting for a new one like this next door
A grand old two storey
Maybe a render job only like this obe done years ago
Hibiscus - double - enough houses
Walked around edge of Darnley Oval looking for bush access - found this track
A good collection of scribbly gums looking really pale after losing bark
Flannel flower - a photo challenge - the lower flower is somewhat in focus - the green bits are
Evidence of orchids - bonnet orchid leaves but no flowers
Pine-leafed geebung just showing
A few flowers open at the base
Surprised a lace monitor lizard. Got the first photo shot while it was surveying the risk and exists. After that it headed straight up the tree
Path tracks around the edge of the oval fringed by this rick ledge. Power poles placed above this section
Location shot - back on the roads to get home
Back to house photos along a nice quiet road on the top of the ridge shaded by huge ash trees - an oldie
The new - get a boxy plan from one of the main builders
Or get an architect to design something specific - two together - guessing the same architect
And next door - same boxy modern design but a strange shade of brown
Banksia serratum flowering out front
Walked into Richmond Park from the top to find at least one orchid. A new flower for me
Did find the orchid - bonnet orchid
Last house shot - been watching this redevelopment into old style for some months. First time getting a photo without a tradies ute parked in front
A big walk on a hot afternoon. Knocks off another bush access with limited orchid potential. But I did enjoy the quiet streets and the mix of houses
Dinner: Did cook an easy BBQ - home made beef patties. 2 burgers for me in a week is a first
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Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking

Height183.0 cm | ![]() | Weight90.0 kg | ![]() | Body Fat% | ![]() |
Waistcm | ![]() | Thighscm | ![]() | Chestcm | ![]() |