Lost Relics Gameplay - Zenarthiil at Night

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    I've been meaning to do a proper breakdown of the blockchain based Action RPG game, Lost Relics, that's been in development since 2019. But as a placeholder for that article, I figured I at the very least could post some gameplay content of it.

    I first started playing back in 2021, and the game has progressed by leaps and bounds since then. Updates are coming out regularly (at least once a month) and the team is also very communicative. But more importantly, it's actually very fun and satisfying game to play!

    There's also a chance to stumble across collectible blockchain items, that you get to keep, use or sell - given that you're able to complete the adventure and bring it back to town of course. Items follow the the typical rarity system; Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical and Transcendent.

    Lost Relics has gamepad support, and I personally prefer to use a PS5 controller to play, but I know many players use keyboard and mouse instead. The point being, you got both options available.

    Anyways, here's a playthrough of one of the higher tier maps, "Zenarthiil", to give you a feel for how the game plays.


    Some could probably argue that the game loop is somewhat repetitive, but since it's so engaging (and not to mention difficult) it doesn't really get boring for me. It's worth mentioning that dying really sucks - you lose everything you've found on that particular adventure and then some. Only thing you get to keep are your precious collectible blockchain items. This adds an extra level of consequence that makes the game loop more interesting I think.

    Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Have you heard of or tried Lost Relics at some point? If not, were you intrigued to have a closer look?

    More info

    If you want to learn more, check out the games' official website, lostrelics.io.

    What is Hive?

    To learn more about Hive, this article is a good place to start: What is Hive?. If you don't already own a Hive account, click here to get one.

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