Homemade Room Swing for a Two-Year-Old (With instructions)

in voilk •  3 days ago

    Homemade Room Swing for a Two-Year-Old



    My two-year-old is a big fan of swinging. Since the swings sold in stores seemed too ordinary and a bit unsafe to me, I decided to sew him a room swing myself. For the materials, I chose thick linen, which is durable and comfortable and is perfect for a child's delicate skin.


    • 1 meter of thick linen fabric
    • 2 wooden sticks (length 1 meter, diameter 2.5 cm)
    • 10 meters of 8 mm diameter linen rope
    • 4 hooks for ceiling mounting
    • 2 carabiners for attaching the rope at the breaking point
    • Inflatable pillow for sitting and headrest

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    1. Cut out two rectangular pieces of linen fabric that are approximately 100 cm x 150 cm in size.

    2. Sew the pieces together using a sewing machine, leaving one side open.

    3. Turn the swing right side out and fill it with an inflatable pillow. Sew the open side closed.

    4. Saw the wooden sticks into four 36 cm long pieces.

    5. Drill holes 8 mm in diameter into each stick at both ends, 2.5 cm from the edge.

    6. Cut the 10 m rope in half and tie both ends of the 5 m long rope with carabiners.

    7. Insert the sticks through the sewn channels and then through the holes in the sticks with the 8 mm rope.

    8. Attach the hooks to the ceiling and the carabiners to the breaking point of the rope.

    9. Hang the swing from the ceiling and enjoy your child's joy!

    Here are my notes


    • If you like, you can also add soft pillows and blankets to the swing to make it even more comfortable.

    • Make sure the swing is securely suspended from the ceiling and that the ropes are strong enough to support the child's weight.

    • Always supervise your child when they are swinging so they don't fall.



    A homemade room swing is a great way to bring joy to your child while saving money. It's also a fun and creative project that you can do with your child. Be sure to give it a try!



    Thank you for reading my post, I hope you liked it and learned something new from it.

    If you have any questions, leave them in the replies.

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