Splinterlands art contest week #280 (Fina voxom)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Every week Splinterlands community on Hive holds a art contest. To take part you have to draw one of there card characters from Splinterlandscards.com into your own art style.
    Rules are simple one entry per week per account , no Plagiarism and no tracing someone elses art.
    participants can use all art mediums to draw , sculpt or make something inspired by these characters , all creative and original ideas get curated . I too participate almost every week its a great practice and you get to learn so much as you draw along.

    So this week the character I chose to draw in my own style was a Card called Fina Voxom . Basically fina is a baddie with her fierce flaming hair in a ponytail . She has elf ears and a mighty sword with a armored Green dress . The best and unique detail About her was that her hair were completely made of fire and I loved it . Though the real character seems a bit too buffed more to a masculine side but as I was drawing I thought of drawing her as a cute elf girl that's broad but has more feminine side .

    So I sketched it all up the hair and her face the elf ears her dress any metal armors over it , Handcuffs , the sword .
    Drawing hair were most interesting because I had to make small embers descending from the hair too so it looks like actual fire. We have our sketch ready so to convert it digitally we will import this image to a digitally drawing app called medibang paint pro .

    i just start tracing with a Pen sharp brush. I love this brush for line art creation . I first traced the hair then her over all body , and armored dress with the sword. So here our basic lineart is ready .

    The next step after making the lineart is to start coloring in the flat colors and for this I used neutral base colors like this khaki sage color and orange for her hair . The skin is a bit tanned . Afterwards I added flat colors to the armor , her hand cuffs and the sword too . Every color is on a different layer because they will be rendered differently too .

    Now before I render further I needed a solid background to work out the light soi made a purple lilac gradient in background. Made some Foliage and bushes with a brush and adjusted the color because it's supposed to be night . Now I added a moon and stars all over in the sky and I think the background looks perfect till now. One good tip here is the to make the moon look glowy Duplicate the layer set the under layer to guassian blurred and on add mode in blending mode . This gives it a glowy effect .

    Now for the rendering part This time I started with metallic details like the sword so the top part would have shine but lower would be darker because her hair is made of fire then that's the main light source other light source is the moon . After shading and rendering the sword I rendered the armor to with a dark orange and yellow for the highlights . I guassian blurred and set it to add in layer blending mode. Both layers were clipped on top . I do this for every element in the character I usually have 2 or more layers when rendering 1 layer clipped to show the shadows and depth and 2nd to show the highlights of where the light hit this and how the texture will be .

    Next I rendered her skin and I used a darker red shade for the shading I used it along the edges of the skin and for contour parts and guassian blurred it not much highlights were made here . Next i rendered her dress too using the same method as the skin . I shaded some wrinkles because clothes have Drapery effect.
    Now for the bestest parts of the whole character her fierce flaming hair and her eyes .
    I started doing her hair with a yellow color I started making strands leaving space between guassian blurred it a little and next I used a red shade to shade between the strands and guassian blurred it now the under layer was orange so I duplicated it guassian blurred it and set it to Hard mix in Layer blending more so the Hair look glowy . Now I did her makeup by adding blush and red rosy lips and I made her eyes like her hair too by adding broken effect and clipping that layer to the eye layer I added highlights to her eyes

    Finally I added my water mark on top and made some color adjustments and here is the final result . TBH i loved drawing this character specially because of the hair and every thing .

    That's all for today Thank you for your precious time and support ❤️

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