A true gift of nature 🌲 🌲

in voilk •  11 days ago


    Trees are like the guardian of our environment. There would be no life without trees. They are like the lungs of our planet, breathing life into our atmosphere and providing us with oxygen that we need for survival.

    I see a lot of trees in our farm, our neighborhood, in public places and they serve also serve as beautifiers in our environment. In my country, this is the season for east oranges to sprout so I'm sharing this post about the orange tree in my neighborhood.


    I don't know when this tree was planted but I see it beautifully stands out from the rest of the orange trees around the neighborhood. It's fruits are quite numerous!

    This Orange tree (scientifically known as "Citrus Sinensis") might be about 40 feet tall and it produces evergreen fruits and leaves.

    Here are few properties of this orange tree:

    The leaves


    The leaves of this tree is evergreen! They are a vital part of this tree's structure and plays a bit role in it's survival and productivity.
    The leaves are what is responsible for photosynthesis, that is the process by which the tree converts sunlight to energy.
    I've also heard that orange leaves are used in making traditional medicine. And I've seen orange leaves being used as flavoring agent in food.
    Overall, the orange leaves beautifies the plant.

    The Root


    I think the root is what makes the tree what it is. Without the root, the whole tree would not be standing!
    Orange trees have a fibrous root system, it has many small roots that branch out from the main trunk.
    The root absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. The orange tree has the ability to regenerate if damaged and can help the tree to survive or recover from disease or injury.

    The seed


    The best part of the tree for me is the fruit it produces, if a tree doesn't produce fruit...hmmm. Well I love the fruit that this particular specie produces, it remains green on the outside but it's actually ripe on the inside and tastes like orange but it has a bit of bitterness.

    Below is how it looks on the inside:


    Now there are a lot of benefits oranges offers to our health.
    One that I know very well is that oranges are high in Vitamin C which helps to boost immune system and helps the body to fight diseases. The Vitamin C in oranges also help with eye health.

    Orange peels


    It is obvious that every part of an orange is medicinal and beneficial to the health. Even the peels from an orange fruit has a lot of benefits.
    It is used to clear up inflammatory conditions by directly rubbing it to the skin.
    Some people eat it to aid weight loss, this is good though I myself cannot stand it.

    There are a lot more uses and benefits to orange peels.

    I had fun capturing this tree, and I was so glad to have been able to do what I loved doing since childhood, and that is climbing the tree and relaxing there seeing the ground view, it's so exciting. Here is one among the selfies I took up there:


    This tree is very special because of it's benefit to the environment, it is especially special to me because I can always pick it's ripe fruit and satisfy myself, I love this tree 😌🌲.


    Orange trees__ are a true gift of nature from Jehovah God, providing us with delicious fruit and countless of health benefits, and even beauty to our eyes!

    This is my response to the @plantpoweronhive prompt and this is the link to participate below if you wish:

    World tree day contest

    All images belong to me

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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