Sunday Getaway at Cabas-an Cold Spring

in voilk •  last month

    Hello, Hive! How are you all doing? It's all great on your end.
    I have been inactive here for two or three weeks already now. Finally, the school is closed for the summer. Well technically summer is already over here in the Philippines.

    Anyway, a lot of things happened while I was gone. Happenings that I should have written about. I will write about them in the coming days, including that game that distracted me for over a week now.

    As my comeback post, I want to share with the latest getaway we had last Sunday.

    Sunday Getaway at Cabas-an Cold Spring, San Enrique, Iloilo, Philippines

    I just got back from our institutional outing at Boracay Island a week ago. (I will write about it next). Then it was back to work as usual for us.

    The Plan

    Last Saturday, when I got home for lunch I found my wife talking with a few neighbors. She told me that they (her sisters and aunt who lives just a house away) are thinking of going to a coldspring somewhere in the Province of Iloilo.

    I asked when and added "Tomorrow?" as a joke. I thought the plan would be for next week. However, when I got home that night, she said we would be leaving at five in the morning.


    We woke up early, but as expected, the driver of one of the vehicles came in late. I think we left about seven in the morning already. I haven't monitored the time but the trip took only about an hour or so.

    The place is packed! I guess a lot of people have gone there to escape from the continuing high heat index.

    Coldspring Water

    There were about 4 pools. The water on these pools come from coldspring. The beauty is there are pools that are for the little kids. We go two tables on next to the 2-feet pool. The sun was glaring but the tables are under the trees so it's cool.

    #Five to Six-Feet Pool

    There's a smaller pool that's at least 5 feet deep but goes maybe six feet under the man-made waterfall. The waterfall may be man-made but the water still comes from the cold spring... and it's FREEZING COLD!

    After a while we went back to our our for our lunch. The men had a few bottles of beer.

    We stayed on the kiddie pool to watch over the kids, but sometimes we go to the deeper pool to swim.

    The Rain

    Around 2 in the afternoon, or was it just a few minutes past one? Rain started to fall. Thinking that it won't pour that hard, I just covered the picnic basket with my towel and dry-bag.
    However, after a while we had a heavy downpour. we had to carry our food and things to a nearby enclosed area.
    Even though it's already June, it only rains once in a while, thus the downpour is very much welcomed.
    With rain watter covering my phone's lenses, I still tried to take some photos.

    After a while, we started packing up and headed home. Back to the scorching, extended summer heat!
    Nevertheless, even for just a few hours we enjoyed the freshness of the cold spring.

    This is it for now.
    Thanks for reading.

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