Dark snowdrifts

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I thought for a long time and decided that I would show the remains with black snowdrifts! This is not only a blog, but also my diary. Then I will review, reread and recall this state of the weather.


    I even miss these snowdrifts a little bit – they melted too quickly.

    I should have taken more pictures!

    But as it turned out, so it turned out. If I did so much and no more, then I didn't need to do more.

    And you don't need to regret what you didn't do.

    It turns out that nature (the universe) guides me so that I maintain balance and pay attention to what is needed at a given time.

    I don't control my creative waves.

    If I am no longer interested in dugouts, but in snowdrifts, then it means that snowdrifts need to be captured.

    I never go against myself by force.

    For the sake of self-knowledge, for the sake of experiment, being on one creative wave, I can try to shoot something that is on another wave.

    For example, it would be interesting to try to photograph night yards or dugouts now, when I'm on the wave of street and reportage.

    This is a completely different vision, a different approach, creative techniques.

    But if I do that, then that's my interest. If I don't want to do that, I won't. Unless it's some kind of special order for a shoot or someone's request.

    Then I will have to force myself to go against myself and the pictures may not turn out to be quite sincere and high-quality in terms of the implementation of the plot.

    Therefore, if snowdrifts steal my attention, then you can't deny yourself capturing them.

    That's all. I showed all the black snowdrifts, and new ones will appear only in a year.

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