What I learned as a child

in voilk •  3 months ago


    For a while, I have not been able to follow the #Aprilinleo prompts like I had made plans to because of my busy schedules offline and other things.

    Today, after my busy day, I decided to check the day's prompts, and it says

    "Something learned as a child and used in your adulthood"

    Funny that there are a few things that we term "basic" and are meant to learn at home, especially from my parents (mother or father) was supposed to learn from home, but because of the nature of my upbringing, I couldn't learn those things at home but was lucky to learn other things and ended up learning those things we tag "Basic" outside.

    After thinking about the few things I was lucky and opportune to learn during my childhood and that I am currently using in my adulthood.


    How to make hair

    I grew up in a barracks and one of the lucky things was that just in front of our house, we had a lady who was my mom's friend and also our family hairdresser. Well, I kind of showed interest in wanting to learn how to make hair, and so she agreed especially since she didn't have any apprentice or helping hands.

    So, on the days I was at home, school holidays, after I was done with chores, and taking my bath, I would leave the house and go to her shop, especially when I noticed that she had customers. Little by little, I learned how to make hair from the lady as I helped out with a few things in the shop, and today, I can make hair but I prefer to make my hair only. I do not wish to make outsiders, just myself, and a few friends and if eventually I have a girl child, I would make their hair too.

    • "I learned how to make decisions, to be responsible for myself and for my actions"

    This is one thing I am hoping and praying for I am conscious about teaching my kids because my father was intentional about it.

    Although very young, but my father made sure to let me make decisions that concerned my life, his job was to guide me or give me advice where necessary, he never interfered or tried to push his decisions on me. He shows me both sides of life with the gain, profit, and loss, or negative sides, and gives me the liberty to make my choices.

    After he died, I didn't just make decisions for myself, I was hurdled with the task of making decisions for my entire family members. Decisions that if not properly made, could have put my family in a wreck and till today, still carry the responsibility.

    Every day I think back to my father, I am always grateful for his kind of parenting style because he saved my ass and helped me know my left from right from childhood even though I was young.

    PS: All images are mine

    Thank you!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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