More Haste And Life Goes By

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Sunday is called a rest day for one vital reason—retreat, rest and reset for the start of a new week. Can you see the recurring ‘r’ in the first sentence? It wasn't intentional but as it flowed, it just makes sense. And no, this piece isn't fiction.

    I had no intention of writing today just because my body wasn't cooperating and my brain was in a sluggish mood. So I laid down and while going through my emails found this wisdom quote by Lao Tzu, the legendary Chinese philosopher from BC times.

    "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."

    I believe people of that era are so much wiser than this present generation (never mind our advancements which are based on their hard work) and we often refer to them to learn a thing or two to live our best lives.

    Last week was a busy one where I raced against time, multitasking to do many things at the same time and it seemed twenty-fours wasn't sufficient for me. Perhaps that's why I feel lethargic today, my mind and body's way of saying “get a rest!” We live in an era where things are done in haste and the virtue of patience is almost dead.


    Rarely do I see people who are patient; everyone is impatient and when things don't go our way, irritation, anger and worse, quarrels or fights ensue. I can't count the number of fights I witnessed last week and coupled with the economic situation in my country, I realise that we are all racing against time.

    It's a modern world and we're striving to be better and faster in everything, especially in ways to earn a comfortable living. Some people go further and target luxury living—best houses, cars and lifestyle. Our dreams and goals are tall and we want to achieve them within a given time. While doing all these, our bodies wear out and we miss out on other beautiful things around us.

    It's no coincidence that Lao Tzu mentions nature in this quote. It's the best example to use to illustrate his message for easy understanding. Nature is alive just as we are but she doesn't move slowly or quickly; she moves at just the right pace and yet, things get done. Flowers bud and bloom, water flows just right, plants grow at their right time, sun rises and sets, and the moon does her thing at the right time.


    If nature was a human being in this present age, everything would be out of whack and all living things would be dead. I think this is Lao Tzu's way of saying, stop and smell the flowers or slow down and enjoy the coolness of the breeze or appreciate the steady flow of the stream. Also, slow down and experience the process of living.

    When we pack too much on our plate, of course we would hurry to accomplish them and often, some would be haphazardly done or we end up making mistakes that might cost us more than we can bear. At such a time, we would wish we'd taken the task slowly and gently. It never hurts to do so.

    Well, even though I have like a million things to do, I'm taking things slow today and going at a pace that my body and brain can withstand. (Don't ask me how long it took to write this short piece, you'll be shocked!)

    Embracing the gentle beauty of our world, who knows, inspiration for great things may flow. Patience is a virtue and its rewards are always good from my experience. But if rush and impatience works for you, fine. Go for it!


    Have a relaxing Sunday.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Luis Dalvan

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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