Jack "the Bully". Resistance icon for CyberCity (LORE CONTEST | NEON STRIKE) [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Antes de que CyberCity estuviese al borde de la anarquía, Jack "the bully" era conocido como un hombre astuto y ambicioso que siempre encontraba la manera de salir adelante. Comerciante nato, a todo le sacaba provecho. Aficionado al béisbol como deporte y a las mujeres lindas a las que piropea constantemente apenas las ve.

    Jack era un carismático líder de un grupo de comerciantes en la zona. Tenia muchos contactos, conocidos y clientes con los que negociaba, muchos de ellos militares, pues en tiempo pasado él fue militar y quedó con muchos afectos de esa parte de su historia personal.

    Si bien su oficio era rentable y exitoso, Jack siempre se aseguraba de proteger a los suyos y de mantener un sentido de ética en su trabajo. Eso lo había aprendido de su padre. Hombre recto, honrado y trabajador que falleció cuando Jack era apenas un adolescente de solo 15 años. Y a partir de esa edad le tocó ser el hombre de la familia, protector para su madre y sus dos hermanas menores a las que amaba inmensamente.

    Sin embargo, todo cambió cuando la guerra estalló y las facciones comenzaron a luchar por el control de la ciudad. Jack se mantuvo al margen por mucho tiempo, hacía negocios con personas de una facción o de otra indistintamente hasta que, llegando el momento mas crítico, se vio obligado a tomar parte.


    Había visto que, a medida que la guerra continuaba, los iron solo luchaban por poder y control y aún cuando su pasado como militar haría pensar que se uniría a esta facción, Jack se daba cuenta del abuso de autoridad que ellos ejercían en la ciudad, mientras que observaba que los Vandalz actuaban guiados por un ideal más grande: la verdadera igualdad para todos en la ciudad, sin importar su afiliación a una facción. y es así como pasó a ser parte de ellos, creyendo que eran la mejor opción para restaurar el orden en CyberCity.

    Mientras la lucha se intensificaba, Jack se encontró cada vez más desilusionado por la corrupción y la injusticia que veía a su alrededor, pero eso le daba a su vez más fuerza para luchar. Pronto, se convirtió en un símbolo de resistencia, liderando incursiones audaces contra las fuerzas enemigas.

    Jack prefería el armamento pesado y la tecnología avanzada que le permitiera nivelar el campo de juego. Sin embargo, cuando el momento lo ameritaba hasta un bate era una buena arma para sus incursiones. Aunque su apodo, "the bully", sugería una actitud intimidante, en realidad lo es para las otras facciones... sin embargo su motivación principal es restaurar la igualdad y la justicia en CyberCity por lo que, para sus amigos, allegados y conocidos (incluso de las otras facciones), era realmente considerado un hombre noble, jovial, alegre, lento a la ira y sobretodo justo.

    Las emociones de Jack eran complejas; sentía la carga de liderar a su gente en tiempos de guerra, experimentaba la pérdida de camaradas y anhelaba un futuro mejor para CyberCity. A pesar de su fachada dura, Jack siempre llevaba consigo la esperanza de un cambio positivo, aunque a veces pareciera inalcanzable.

    Con el tiempo, Jack se dió cuenta de que la lucha por el poder solo llevaba a más sufrimiento y divisiones entre las facciones. Sus metas evolucionaron para incluir la reconciliación y la paz en CyberCity. Comenzó a trabajar en las sombras para tender puentes entre las facciones enfrentadas pues en las mismas tenia muchas personas que confiaban en él, buscando una solución que beneficiara a todos en lugar de solo a unos pocos. A pesar de los desafíos, Jack nunca perdió de vista su objetivo de restaurar la igualdad y la armonía en la ciudad.


    La historia de Jack "the bully" era una de redención, lucha y esperanza en medio del caos. A medida que CyberCity luchaba por encontrar su camino, Jack se convirtió en un símbolo de resistencia, guiando a su gente hacia un futuro mejor y demostrando que, incluso en tiempos de guerra, la humanidad y la compasión podían brillar en el camino hacia la libertad.


    Información importante

    Esta historia es mi entrada al Lore Contest que ha lanzado MigNightStudio para su juego NEON STRIKE, Si quieres participar, aqui te dejo el link del Concurso

    La Traducción fue realizada con DeepL

    Las imágenes fueron tomadas del canal de recursos del Discord de MighNightStudio

    GAME NEON.png




    Before CyberCity was on the brink of anarchy, Jack "the bully" was known as a shrewd and ambitious man who always found a way to get ahead. A born trader, he made the most of everything. He was fond of baseball as a sport and of pretty women whom he constantly complimented as soon as he saw them.

    Jack was a charismatic leader of a group of traders in the area. He had many contacts, acquaintances and clients with whom he did business, many of them military, as he was once in the military and held many affections from that part of his personal history.

    While his trade was profitable and successful, Jack always made sure to protect his own and to maintain a sense of ethics in his work. He had learned that from his father. An upright, honest and hard-working man who passed away when Jack was just a teenager of 15 years old. And from that age on he was the man of the family, protective of his mother and two younger sisters whom he loved immensely.

    However, everything changed when war broke out and factions began to fight for control of the city. Jack stayed on the sidelines for a long time, doing business with people from one faction or the other indiscriminately until, at the most critical moment, he was forced to take part.


    He had seen that, as the war continued, the Iron were only fighting for power and control and even though his military background would lead one to believe that he would join this faction, Jack realised the abuse of authority they wielded in the city, while observing that the Vandalz acted out of a greater ideal: true equality for all in the city, regardless of faction affiliation, and so he became part of them, believing they were the best option to restore order to CyberCity.

    As the fighting intensified, Jack found himself increasingly disillusioned by the corruption and injustice he saw around him, but that in turn gave him more strength to fight. Soon, he became a symbol of resistance, leading daring raids against enemy forces.

    Jack preferred heavy weaponry and advanced technology that would allow him to level the playing field. However, when the moment called for it, even a bat was a good weapon for his raids. Although his nickname, "the bully", suggested an intimidating attitude, in reality he is intimidating to the other factions... his main motivation, however, is to restore equality and justice in CyberCity, so to his friends, acquaintances and acquaintances (even from the other factions), he was truly considered a noble, cheerful, cheerful, slow to anger and above all just man.

    Jack's emotions were complex; he felt the burden of leading his people in a time of war, experienced the loss of comrades and longed for a better future for CyberCity. Despite his tough façade, Jack always carried with him the hope for positive change, even if at times it seemed unattainable.

    Over time, Jack realised that the struggle for power only led to more suffering and divisions between factions. His goals evolved to include reconciliation and peace in CyberCity. He began working in the shadows to build bridges between the warring factions as he had many people in the factions who trusted him, seeking a solution that would benefit all rather than just a few. Despite the challenges, Jack never lost sight of his goal of restoring equality and harmony to the city.


    The story of Jack "the bully" was one of redemption, struggle and hope in the midst of chaos. As CyberCity struggled to find its way, Jack became a symbol of resilience, leading his people to a better future and proving that, even in times of war, humanity and compassion could shine through on the road to freedom.


    Important info

    This story is my entry to the Lore Contest that MigNightStudio has launched for their game NEON STRIKE, If you want to participate, here you have the contest link

    The translation was done with DeepL

    The images were taken from MighNightStudio's Discord resource channel.

    The cover was designed with Canva

    GAME NEON.png



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