in voilk •  6 months ago

    Hello February.jpg

    I should have actually titled this post 'HAPPY HIVE POWER LOVE DAY' instead, but I was afraid of how unfunny I might seem, lol. It's the second month of the year and of course, the special month of love. Happy new month to you all, may you have a prosperous and productive February!

    It is another edition of Hive Power Up Day and as always, I am super excited to participate. Ever since the month I tried to power up for the very first time, I have decided to make it my culture and never miss out of any Hive Power Up Day. I powered up a little late today because I had a super busy day and could only do this when I got back home. I had to go print my project work, change my phone batter which has been showing me a lot for the past few weeks, and also make some deliveries. Anyways, I wasn't planning to skip powering up this month.

    I entered the year with an HP of almost 510 and by the end of January, I was able to raise my HP from that to 601. I wrote every single day of the past month because I am on a streak to write everyday till the end of the year. Honestly, with the goal I set for myself this year, I am actually doing a little below expectation. This is not an excuse, but I had a really hectic January and it wasn't even funny. There are days that I overwork myself or travel to buy good and get home exhaused, when I had to make plans for my convocation ceremony, the fact that I had a bad phone as well, and even many other things. Due to all these, I haven't been able to enagage really well and I almost lost my streak countless times, but I know it will get better.

    There was a contest I enagaged in with my project partner that earned me 15 Hive and I kept it safe in my wallet, waiting patiently for the next power up day. I also intended to add more to it and convert my HBD to Hive by the end of the month. So, as @starstrings01 taught me in the last power up, I went on Hive hub to convert my HBD to Hive quickly. I had hard time doing this because my internet connection was really weak,and I didn't have so much time left. Even my Canva app was not connecting and I couldn't design as well (I was able to do it, eventually).

    So, due to the unfavourable network situation, I decided to power uo the 15.6 Hive I had saved in my wallet and participate in the HPUD regardless.

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    And boom! I participated in the Hive Power Up Day for the month of February. My current HP stands at 617.214 and hopefully by the end of the month, I would have reached an HP that will get me closer to my goal. I'm still very much dedicated to my streak and I will do more with engagements moving forward.

    Thank you for reading

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