Self-doubt Have cost my confidence as man.

in voilk •  last month

    Hello friends on hivenaija
    Good morning here ,I wish everyone a joyful New day and new blessing for each and everyone of us as we begin our day.I will firstly send greeting's to all users of this great community who have been engaging in one topic or the other,a lot of ideas of users here which I found most post interesting to read at leisure time.It been a while I noticed this community but as from then I have try to engage here and create post for users to read and communicate with talented people here.
    I was unable to participate in the last topic because my phone was not available to use which it was stolen and I have get a new one to use and communicate with my love ones on this hivenaija community,I needed to promise myself to be involved on the topic of this week hive naija topic which I picked self-doubt which alot of personal story will be shared to the community.
    We can explain self-doubt as the lost of confidence in oneself which make human fear to be less in showing his or her abilities,every human is born which one or more talent or skills but the act or actions to show the world what you are capable of needed confidence and zero doubt that you can make it happen.Alot of human have fobial of acting because they doubt if they can make it happen

    What is phobia?
    This is an irrational and excessive fear in a human due to some specific reason,fear can come from a certain situation or object,most of human where born with fear which hinder them in showing there particularly skills to the world
    The story is just how SELF-DOUBT affect my education when I was in university,I am someone that love to be alone and read on my own because of the fear to face the public and communicate with people around me,everyone have his or her personal life and nature, sometimes environment that one was brought up do dictate the way of life of any human which can affect way of life and how he or she relate when he reach mature stage.
    I was studying accounting at my university days which some calculations course's require a group work for better understanding (cost accounting, Business statistics e.t.c)
    But the fact that I doubt myself if am perfect to talk and avoid mistakes while communicating to people around me make me avoid contact with my college in class and read on my own.The effect show when we are doing our final examination paper which I was hanged and couldn't solve a particular question which relate to cost accounting questions.
    There is one personal mindset which Is part of me and do affect me in life.Self doubt is not a good thing to pin a man down because it makes man loose alot of things and make man low as human.A boldly man and confidence man are what the world love to relate with because people see those that doubt themselves as a coward and lazy human

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