I might attend the Las Vegas Coin Show...

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Tow Rolls of Quarters....jpg
    These are the two rolls of Quarter Dollars, I picked up at the Casino Cage, located below the Las Vegas Coin Show...

    The only trouble I have about attending is that there's nothing there I'm really looking for...

    I'd love to meet some of those who will be attending, but people tend to slow me down and I can't picture myself following everyone around...

    The last time I went, I was in and out in about 1/2 hour, and that included stopping at the Casino Cage...

    Last year, I wanted one of the Uncirculated 2021-S Morgan Dollars, and I found that, as I went up and down every isle until I found one...

    2021-S  Morgan....jpg
    This is the 2021-S Morgan Silver Dollar I was searching for...
    2021-S  Morgan Tails....jpg

    I bought it and out the door I went, to the Casino Cage below the Coin Show...

    I hope none of you forget to visit the Casino Cage, to pick up a couple $10 Rolls of Quarter Dollar Coins...

    This time, there's nothing I'm really looking for, so I'm not sure if I'll go or not...

    I'm more interested in what will be available "after" the U.S. Monetary Correction...

    On the other side of the Reset, I'll be getting my hands on as many 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins I can get my hands on...

    I'll only be paying $5 in Common U.S. Coinage for each one, if you can believe that...

    If I run out of Common U.S. Coinage, I'll have to pay 500 of today's Fiat USD's to get my hands on just one $5 Silver Coin...

    I prefer using $5 in Common U.S. Coinage myself...

    I have Thousands of Dollars in Common U.S. Coinage, just waiting for the Reset...

    When the Reset happens, it will become much harder to get my hands on Common U.S. Coinage, so that's why I've been getting as much as I can now...

    If you're a first time reader, I'm expecting to see Common U.S. Coinage "increase" 100 Fold in Spending Power, on the other side of the Reset...

    That's because I truly believe our Common U.S. Coinage will be used to "make change" for our New Product Line of Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

    Trust me when I say, most people don't believe in what I see coming to pass...

    And i can't say I blame them, since it's very hard for people to believe...

    After all, we've been using Common U.S. Coinage to "make change" for Fiat USD's that (more than likely) have "less" than 1% Spending Power remaining...

    It will be a Game Change once our Common Coinage is used to make change for our Silver and Gold Coins...

    We had Circulating Silver and Gold Coins before, and we will have them again...

    It's the only way to pay back the Rental Fees on all the Fiat Rental Dollars we've been using...

    Expect to see a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, when you're turning in your "Physical" Fiat USD's...

    Banks will be responsible for any and all Digital Fiat USD's, so they may not be offering a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

    Hopefully you will have a safe "FDIC" Bank Account that will be insured "up to" $2,500 in Electronic Coinage...


    It sure took long enough to make it to my "anyway"...lol...

    Before ending this post, I'll check to see what the U.S. Mint is offering...

    Here's a 2024 " Greatest Generation" Proof Silver Dollar for only 82 Fiat USD's...

    I look at 82 Fiat USD's as if it was already 82 Sound Money Cents, which makes this Silver Dollar pretty good deal in my eyes...
    In other words, I can buy one of these for 82 Fiat USd's, our want until "after" the Reset and Turn in 82 Physical Fiat USD's and get back 82 Cents in Common Coinage...

    This is why I think this Silver Dollar is a good deal, when I'm sure most of you think I'd be paying too much...

    To be honest, I'd rather use my 82 Fiat USD's to buy $82 in Common U.S. Coinage...

    After the Reset, I'll probably be able to pick up one of these One Dollar "Collector" Coins at a Coin Show for $10 in Common U.S. Coinage...

    So, do you think I'm insane or enlightened...???

    Feel free to answer truthfully...

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