Almost a day with the whales. My Actifit Report Card: May 9 2024

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Now when I say whales I mean the aquatic one, not the Hive ones.

    And yes anyone who knows marine life knows that the above picture is NOT a whale.

    What is it? Well, here is your skill testing question from Cubieverse :)

    Of course it is a sea lion.

    So I did walk my dog in the morning and the evening. Nico was a good boy and helped me get my 10K steps for the day.
    My calesthenics got done and I kept to my diet (I'll post images of the progression in the weight shortly).

    Nice bright sunny day to go for a walk. Even nicer day to go out on the ocean :)

    An even better day to spend time with my sister and my niece.

    So the plan was to take the boat on a tour to go see whales. Orca whales live off the coast near where I live. Humpback whales also do. There are far fewer now than there were in the past due to the decline of salmon but that is a discussion for another post.

    Out onto the boat we went for a 3-5 hour excursion.

    Unfortunately about an hour and a half into the trip the captain came down to do some engine repair as the boat was only running at half speed.

    He tried 3 times to get the boat up to speed but in the end he failed and we had to return to port.

    Now the port is near the Vancouver airport so we got a great view of plane after plane taking off from the airport. That's where we saw bald eagle and sea lions too.

    Many of the people on the boat were from far away (Miami, New York, China, etc). I felt bad for them not getting to see whales :(

    As for myself? I was just glad I got a great day on the water with my family. Then when they refunded the $200 I paid I was even happier.

    It was a free day on the ocean with my family.

    How could I complain about that?

    Now I did get a few more steps by walking about the piers. (or wharf perhaps?)

    and it was a little sad that I got back too late to purchase the fresh fish that is sold from the pier. However, they catch and sell in the morning so I was much too late to get anything (sigh).

    No whales to see and no fish to buy... but still a great day spent with family.

    All the images are mine...except the cubieverse question which came as a screenshot from the cubieverse game :)

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Until tomorrow.

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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