Renting a Refresh Nature deck in WR!

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings to GU community,
    I rented a pricey deck for this Weekend Ranked. With costing more than $100, this deck is definately not budget-friendly, but I removed the expensive cards from the original deck list and added low cost cards such as Fir Tree's Fury/Blazing Talisman that made this deck a little bit cheaper.



    image (1).png

    This deck has Xansiddion as win condition. You can win by other ways, but it is the strongest one. Your god power will change and give all friendly Nature Creatures +X/+X for each Nature card played this turn, and combined with Vasek Isle it will be really good. Curious Wisp is for fatigue and for early game.

    Vasek Isle can be used to surge Drag Down, Blood in the Water and Swallow Whole. Surged Swallow Whole is a really strong removal at the end game, and it can wipe their whole board and also gives buff to your creature. (had a 40/40 creature in my hand) Fir Tree's Fury can be used for removal or developing your own board.

    If your opponent is a combo deck, you can steal their combo pieces by The Dearly Departed + Shines On Us All(creatures) or Undersea Spellwyrm(spells). Since Magic has a decent combo deck now, this deck could be really good against it.

    For early game, Blazing Talisman is used to give burn to enemies. It is paired with Ember Oni well and it can sometimes stall things out until you can play the strong cards.


    This game is a game against Control Deception. (Thumbnail is wrong)

    Mullgan / 1 Mana

    Looking for low cost cards.

    2 Mana

    I play Encumbered Looter to trade next turn.

    3 Mana

    I trade and get a second Encumbered Looter, so I play it again. They kill it by Low-Hanging Fruit.

    4 Mana

    I use Create and finds a 1 mana 2 damage removal, which is good in this situation.

    5 Mana

    Fir Tree's Fury kills the Abyss Watcher.

    5.5 Mana

    I should've used Vasek Isle before playing, but I use The Dearly Departed. They have Oni, Hortuk and a Scavenger Impling, so I trade Hortuk since it is the strongest 7 mana removal. With Shine on us all I get a 8-drop.

    6 Mana

    I use Vasek and kills it by Lightning Strike. Create gives me Jump On which is not helpful now.

    6.5 Mana

    Fir Tree's Fury develops their board. Luckily Drag Down is a good counter. (and did not play vasek again)

    7 Mana

    I play Vasek Isle and play Xansiddion. Primal Tide gives it +2/+2.

    7.3 Mana

    Toast to Peace mills my Ember Oni. I play Sword Breaker Sage and use it to kill their 2/2.

    7.6 Mana

    They use Toast to peace on the 8 mana creature which saves my Xansiddion. I use it which gives +2/+2 again. Unfortunately they had Shine On Us all which resets the boost.

    8 Mana

    Since they got a Shadow of Letheron from Shine On Us all, I use Drag Down to clear the whole board. Primal Tide sets Xansiddion to 10/10 again.

    8.25 Mana

    Although Witherfingers stall attacking for a turn, with Druid of The Cycle I am able to make a full board. By playing some more Vasek Isles, I am able to give each friendly creature +6/+6 which is really hard to kill.

    8.5 Mana

    They are not able to clear the board. GG!

    Game 2
    This is a close game against Aggro War.


    Refresh Nature is really fun to play! Although most Zoo decks are going to be hard to win, if you are able to survive the first few turns, you are likely going to win. Against Control it is going to be important to not mill cards, since most cards are expensive and also situational. However it is really pricy, so I would recommend a different control deck for budget players.

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