in voilk •  2 months ago

    @@ -4254,16 +4254,807 @@
    +%3Ccenter%3E%3Ch4%3EEdit%3C/h4%3E%3C/center%3E%0A %0AI should add that this %22give-away%22 is a typical scam, as it is also discussed on %5BReddit%5D( - I quote:%0A%0A%3Cb%3Eis CryptoLAU a scam?%3C/b%3E%0A%3E i am in a few investing and crypto server more to talk about this stuff. a few days ago dm me saying i was randomly chosen from a few servers for a giveaway for 0.5 to 1.5 bitcoin giveaway. Gave me a reward code to use on the site and i got like 0.5652 BTC but to extract to another wallet asks me to dposit 0.005 BTC or 250 USD. is it a scam bcs iv know scams but this one is pretty confusing.%0A%0A%3Cb%3EThe answer:%3C/b%3E%0A%3E Yes. This is a scam. Needing to pay to get money that you've %22won?%22 It's a classic !advancefee scam. Just walk away. There is no giveaway.%0A%0A

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