Another couple of little worlds inside an envelope (oil on paper)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    An happy Tuesday to you all!
    It's a sunny and warm day here in my area, there are some little flowers on the branches of my plum tree (and on the trees all around my backyard) and the Springtime seems to be so close to come!
    Sitting in front of my laptop now, I can hear a lot of birds singing close to my home and my furry friend Richy appreciates this weather enjoying more time than usual sleeping in my backyard. ^_^
    Today I'm here to share with you a couple of new "little (strange) worlds" inside an envelope.
    I found some old little envelopes in a box inside my lab and I thought to use them to create this kind of scene with acrylic colors and some touches of white ink.

    In the following pics, you can see the final result of 2 of them:

    DSCN7922 (2).JPG


    As you can see, I painted houses, trees, characters and clouds using different shades of acrylic colors and I added some details with nib and white ink.
    I'm having so much fun to use my free time working on these little strange worlds, but, just to know, in the meantime I'm working on a oil on canvas too (when it will be finished I'll show you that artwork).
    In the following pics you can see some steps of the process:





    I hope you like it!
    See ya soon and stay safe,

    ***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
    Artfinder (, on Etsy ( and on my Patreon page too ( If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:

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    You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
    ^ ****

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