Authentic Chinese food at Yaleju Dong Bei Huo Guo

in voilk •  5 months ago

    There are restaurants that one can only learn from others who have been there or discover accidentally in order to find it. I had that experienced today as I was strolling around Kallang area in search for a place to eat. This area is a good spot for food and drinks because it isn’t as crowded as the other areas like Bugis and Tiong Barhu.

    It’s not as accessible as the other areas so it’s expected that the shops or restaurants will have less customers during daytime. That was the case for this restaurant where I had my lunch. Majority of the tables are vacant so I thought the food or service isn’t good.

    I had no better choice so I entered the restaurant with doubts that I won’t have a good time. It was the opposite, I had a great lunch!

    The price is affordable so I thought that the serving size is small. I was shocked to see how huge it is. I ordered Pork Noodles with Five Flowers and Three Fresh Dumplings!


    With the Authentic Chinese Cuisine the serving size will never fail your satisfaction when it comes to flavor and size. OMG! There’s so much serving that I can’t finish.

    Let me start with the noodles.

    It’s definitely handmade!


    There's a clear difference between a machine-made and a hand-made noodle. The texture is way smoother and it feels better when slurping together with soup.


    About the soup, it has a subtle flavor and it is also fragrant. I guess the aroma is coming from the flowers that was infused into the soup. The subtle flavor makes it enjoyable to sip and slurp together with the noodles.


    The thin pork slice toppings has a distinct flavor that is tasty. The subtlety of flavor gives me a sense that it was braised for such a duration that made it tender and juicy.


    The next item that I ordered was the Three Fresh Dumplings. I think this is easily one of the best Chinese dumplings that I've tried so far. For S$6, I think this is a good deal.



    The waiter told me to select from the available sauces on their condiments counter but I didn't feel the need to have it since the taste was good enough. I like eating food with subtle taste and flavor.



    I like discovering new restaurants and new ways of making rather typical food. I realized that not every good food in Singapore is expensive. Some people are trying to make something more valuable than its price.

    My journey to the world of food.


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