The Perfect Lifestyle For Me #105 #kiss

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I could remember when I made cooking for the family easy for my grandma, she would give me a particular amount of dry fish for soup, and in her mind, she will be like, this is today's soup. Hehe! In my mind, I will be like "grandma wait first, I will shock you" and truly, I never ceased to shock her because there are days she would call me to give me soup for another day and I will reject it telling her that the one of yesterday is still remaining and she will be shocked and at the same time happy because I was practically making life simple for her

    Sometimes, she would ask me if I was sure whether the remaining soup will reach everybody because we were many in the house. And I will always nod my head. I always make sure she doesn't have to worry about cooking soup for the next day. One thing she was curious about is how I managed to share the soup for a good two days 😀 grandma, be playing with a minimalist like me


    Well, that was when I noticed I was a minimalist and that has never changed. Trust me, I have no idea how or where I got inspired to be a minimalist, I guess I was born like that. Lol!

    Do you value tie into your pursuit of minimalist or is it driven by a spatial preference.

    Well, let's say...I am inspired by my values. I grew up loving a simple life, I don't go for much and I am one who is satisfied with whatever that is available at the moment right from childhood.
    Now, I can boldly say I am enjoying my minimalist lifestyle as a mother because it has really helped especially with the kind of economy we are facing in my country and my values are tied to it. I minimise every single thing placed in my hand even with my data 😂

    And guess what, my husband has always wondered what kind of woman that minimises even on things that are not hers 😂 who does that?
    What can I do, it's not my fault naw...I didn't learn it from school nor from anyone. In fact, I grew up with people who had excess so minimising wasn't their lifestyle. I was born like this is the only thing I have to say.

    This is my response to this week's prompt "What Inspires The Minimalist In You"

    Photo is mine

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