Sheepy: A Short Adventure (It should not be free!)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

    Sheepy: A Short Adventure is one of the cutest games that I played in a while. It is a 2D platformer with hand-drawn graphics and a hard-hitting soundtrack. At some point, it feels like a blend of Hollow Knight and Ori but the best part is it's completely free!

    The top review on Steam is what I want to scream.

    I feel like I robbed the developer by playing and enjoying this game for free.

    I want everyone to know about this amazing game and let me try to share some gameplay elements. But I highly suggest you install and play this game first and come back later to read this post, or you will be exposed to a lot of spoilers. Be warned!

    Chapter 1: First Steps

    Sheepy: A short adventure features a sheep plushie that comes to life and starts to explore the world. Initially equipped with just simple movements and jumps but gains more and more abilities as the game progresses.

    It all starts with our cute friend being unable to make this jump and falling into a place where it shouldn't be going.

    There are some collectables too in this short adventure, I found a few music discs carefully hidden in some places. I might have missed some for sure. The place feels like something catastrophic had happened here.

    Patches: The Lost Bear

    We got deeper into the depths to find out what was going on and soon met with another plushie, a bear with a knife into his head. A red orb entered into the bear which seemed pretty mad at us.

    This was our first boss fight. Sheepy don't have any weapons to use in this fight but we can use the arena. The bear charges at us and if we stand close to the end and jump at the end moment it will bump into the spikes.

    The mechanics are simple in this fight and when Patches takes enough damage it goes down and two bright light orbs come out of it. This was our first skill, the double jump!

    I love the bright, glowing graphics in this game. The dark dystopian world helps set the mood perfectly and a banger soundtrack makes the whole experience amazing.

    As soon as we came out of that arena, we encountered a strange, evil creature. It came charging at us and Sheepy took a moment or two to identify that it is an evil foe and runs to save itself.

    It almost gets us but we jump onto another Elevator which breaks and we get further into this hell. Phew! What a close call.

    Chapter 2: Descent

    We are in a deep, dark place, some kind of a facility but what are they doing here? What are they looking for and where is everyone? We found some notes from the Chief Engineer that say "This place will be switching off soon. If you find this, I recommend you to leave as possible"

    Well, something bad happened here for sure!

    We move along to find more clues and a way out. But in contrast, we got deeper and stranger places.

    We find more notes saying all the employees have been evacuated successfully. All the elevators were taking us down and none went up.

    The hand-drawn graphics in this game are stunning and the lighting works pretty well to set the tone and mood of the place.

    Until now the platforming sections were super simple but they started to have more elements. There were some swirly things that pushed out forward with a swirl. I could already see it being used more and more as we progress.

    There were some simple puzzle elements like finding and turning on switches to activate the elevators. Seeing Sheepy using every fibre of its body when turning these switches was super cute.

    And finally, we were briefed about the place when we got into the inner parts of the facility. It was called the Belgin Institute.

    Chapter 3: Revelation

    We are in the hidden underground facility called the Belgin Institute and we see signs of some catastrophe there. But we were not the first to reach this place, there was another adventurer who recorded his adventures and left notes at several places. Even he was surprised to find the scale of this underground operation.

    We found a control room and could see the map of the entire place. The buzzers and sirens were going off at this place.

    One of the cool things you could do here is hop on the chair and just go round and round and round. This was so addictive!

    We couldn't do much at that place but there were a few more paths that we could take so I chose one of them and followed some glowing rabbits. They led me to an interesting place full of crystals and I bet these crystals had to do with something with Belgin and they might be here to mine them. They had some magical properties and those rabbits seemed to be possessing some super speedy abilities due to these.

    I followed the glowing rabbits and they led me towards an underground metro station. It was abandoned just like other places. Another elevator took me to a lower level.

    There were different types of crystals, now the crystals were glowing in red, unlike the earlier blueish ones.

    I reached a point of no return. I could see the writing on the board indicating "No Way Back" but I had no fear in my heart.

    Soon I was at the Deep Excavations site. This area was strictly prohibited and only the research team was allowed to enter here.

    On the right was a trap that gets triggered when you walk and you are not fast enough to clear it. So, the only option was to go left and probably get something which would help us get passed that trap.

    I saw an interesting section, rabbits were all over this place and a big bull statue was placed at the center with two glowing horns.

    Chapter 4: Passage of Time

    This was a new skill, a super speedy dash and roll. This completely changed the game for me. I love this ability, it makes the game super fun to explore and now I can reach sections of the map which were locked and more importantly I can dash through that tunnel with traps and jump across larger gaps.

    We finally made it out of that creepy, dark place and ran with the rabbits. This was one of the most satisfying sections of the game for me. The soundtrack hit differently here and you just cruising with the rabbits at supersonic speed through the forest.

    We cover a lot of distance in a very short amount of time and this is so satisfying to play. I would play the game again for this chapter alone! This chapter ended with us once again entering into a tunnel and we see signs of Belgin works again.

    This post is getting long and I will share the next two chapters in the next one. They are longer than this one, and we will get more abilities and some amazing sections.

    I hope you enjoyed this Adventure as much as I did. Thanks for reading till the end! See you soon!


    • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
    • Screenshots are from the game Sheepy: A Short Adventure.

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