Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Arachne Weaver in Earthquake

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Modern Diamond Ranked.

    I fought an interesting battle with the Earthquake rule set where I made use of Arachne Weaver, a card I haven't used too much so far. It doesn't have flying but the Corrupt Healing and the Scavenger can work well in this rule set.


    Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_0a1a474af9625ff6d81fac656762d6fc


    Besides Earthquake, this game also has the Fog of War and Broken Arrows rule sets. I went with Akane and placed Chaos Agent in front. I followed it up with the Weapons Training combination of Grimbardun Smith, Rage, and Will-o-Wisp. I finished the team with Usut and Arachne Weaver. They opted for Quix the Devious with Void Dragon in front, followed by Night Reaper. Next, they used the Weapons Training combination of Will-o-Wisp, Skok Duskblight, and Kra'ar Xoc. They finished their team with Chaos Dragon. This last one could be a problem for my Arachne Weaver strategy.


    I gave Ambush to Rage and Will-o-Wisp. They quickly killed my Chaos Agent. Chaos Dragon's attack went to the front unit. I had several missed round 1, but in the next, I was able to take out Void Dragon, forcing the Resurrect. Chaos Dragon hit Grimbardun again for rounds 2 and 3. Usut was able to hit the Void Dragon, killing it and getting the Bloodlust boost. Their Skok died to the Earthquake. In round 4, I killed their Night Reaper and left the Will-o-Wisp at 1 HP. In round 5, I finished the rest of their monsters.


    I'm not sure how good the Arachne Weaver was here. If Chaos Dragon had hit it once (or Usut) in the first couple of rounds, it would have died quickly. I also don't think its healing was necessary to win the game. I'll still have to try using it more to see if I like it.


    What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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