Pluto/Scorpio: Authentic Transparency vs. Deep Secrets & Boundaries…

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Pluto. Scorpio. The planet/sign of depth. Psychology. Sex. Death. Power. The taboo…

    I’ve been working on some writing about my 9 years living on Pluto astrocartography lines. It’s been on my mind a while and finally got called out. There’s been some excitement to share - contributing back to the growing astrocartography ‘community’ some insightful perspectives on the most notorious planetary line of them all. And also some reservations/hesitations.

    Sometimes there are no hard set rules in life. When it comes to sharing, there may be unspoken guidelines, expectations, boundaries, etc - cultural norms & conventions regarding what is “appropriate” - yet who’s to say exactly what is & isn’t, objectively.

    I’ve been on the fence about how much depth & detail to go into. On one hand, “authentic transparency” - sometimes there is a time & place to genuinely express one’s experiences, and detail helps paint a clear picture. On the other, there’s apparently this thing some call ”oversharing.”

    Part of me wants to give “my all” in my writing; and when it comes to this piece on Pluto, feels putting my ego on the alter for sacrifice by being fully open about a few of my experiences in Phuket would be conducive to effectively conveying the Plutonic impact & intensity in a way theoretical description alone cannot. Plus, they’re some pretty damn good stories - albeit not for kids, and well in the realm of “taboo.” Yet, I’m also unsure of whether sharing them publicly would just be stupid. Lol. Or if not “stupid,” at the least, definitely entrenching upon if not dramatically overshooting the fine line between authentic transparency and “oversharing.”


    I’d listened to some podcast recently that seemed a confirmation of being on-track with the transparency; in it, some mention of the exposure of our human vulnerabilities and such as both a strength and service, offering authentic reflections others can relate to (with the topic of addictions, possibly being the tangible focal point in that transmission) - how humbling ourselves to embrace & admit our blunders is part of the process not only of our growth, but contributing back the lessons & wisdom which may be of help to others…

    Given the limited amount of comprehensive outlooks on Pluto lines to be found, an abundance of oversimplified short-form stuff instead, and alot of fear regarding them, I’ve felt that putting my writing skills to use on the subject would be worthwhile to ‘give back’ - going into more depth of detail into my experiences to articulate why my continual emphasis on the point that it’s not all bad, has its yin & yang, and comes with gifts too. Though, one could not expect to properly write on the planet of depth without going deep. The result: (not the first time an idea has extracted out to) over 10,000 words and counting. But, I can’t figure out whether or not to self-censor and edit out some of the raw stuff that’d really hit home the way only Pluto can.

    Having just moved back to Revelstoke and on day 2 snowboarding, I was going up the chairlift with a dude when the topic of the main story got touched on and figured I’d test the waters sharing it… his response, along with a laugh: ”take that story to the grave. Don’t tell your family.” (Perhaps it’s a sign I’m finally working through the trauma of the incident, having added a total stranger to the number of people countable on one hand I’ve actually told it to, including my mom. Ha.)

    Dude might be right. Perhaps there are certain things in the Plutonic/Scorpionic realms that best remain in secrecy. Or at the least, within a tight circle of carefully-selected friends, family, etc.

    But then again… ”radical honesty. Authentic transparency. And if a damn good story, really, that does an excellent job of demonstrating just how full-on experiences on a Pluto line can be in context…?


    I suppose, ”there are no rules in creativity.” I’ll be publishing the post here (and sharing via the Facebook astrocartography group) - technically, “it’s my blog, I choose.” I could slap on a disclaimer upfront, letting readers know it’s gonna get explicit - and they’re all free to tune out if looking for something else. But I still “don’t know” - and maybe never can, since there is no concrete answer as it’s totally subjective - whether it’s the type of authentic transparency that’d actually be worthwhile, or foolishness.

    Interestingly enough, this whole questioning of boundaries itself is rather Plutonic/Scorpionic - Pluto/Scorpio/8th ruling 7 dealing with boundaries, their overstepping, intimacy, shared resources (which knowledge could be considered in some regards).

    Perhaps it’s also my Chiron-Gemini in 10th house as well at play here - the self-consciousness & overthinking, anxious about implications of failing to acknowledge “appropriate” boundaries and being (perceived as) a weirdo for having publicly overshared. While also acknowledging it might be part of my role to embrace the Chiron wounds & oddness, communicating the lessons & alchemy of them actually part of how I serve others. Like, I really don’t particularly want to bear some of my deepest, darkest secrets to a worldwide audience; there’s really not a whole lot of perks to be gained personally through such disclosure of my Plutonic past. But it’s probably not part of any of our life paths to remain walled-up in comfort zones holding back what there’s an itch to (uncomfortably, humbly, vulnerably) express.

    Pluto also ruling power, maybe this also comes into the picture here: how am I utilizing my own in this situation? Certainly, there may be strength in vulnerability; and whether for better or worse, a great deal of power put to work in the crafting & release of words which are bound to evoke a spectrum of reactions in readers. Though, there’s surely a world of difference in the diligent, conscientious use of that power and it’s abuse through failure to acknowledge & adhere to boundaries necessary for its constructive channeling.

    As much as we may have the creative capacity to self-determine those boundaries at times (such as when posting content on our own blogs), we could still be wise & controlled with them - architecting structures through which consciousness may be shifted/activated and energy constructively transmuted - or sloppy & haphazardly, wasting energy in ways that detract from the fulfillment of a clear, positively-influential purpose.

    Yes, my story might be a good one and drive home points about the intensity of Pluto lines… but is the choice to include it a wise use of power that truly serves well? Or might this ponderance/hesitation be a form of guidance and invitation for upgrading writing & editing skills along with a refinement of sensitivity towards the appropriateness of certain boundaries - an opportunity to embody the Plutonian secrecy appropriately while communicating the essence of what is needed differently?

    Who the fuck knows. Maybe I could throw caution to the wind and go the radical transparency route. Maybe that’d create unnecessary energy leaks and it’d end up wise to have exercised self-restraint, maybe not and there’ll be a subsection of readers whom the authenticy resonates deeply with. Maybe I err on the side of caution and am left unsatisfied, having held back out of fear and not giving it my all; or maybe that fear turned out to be the type that serves well to keep within beneficial boundaries.

    Time shall tell just how deep the published version goes. (And whether there were consequences of “oversharing” or not.)

    Feel free to pitch in any objective feedback if your guides want to speak (type) through you to get through the message not to embarass myself… or to lay it all on the line cuz someone needs to read it. 😹

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