The Weekend Engangement: Tenacity always within me

in voilk •  3 months ago




    Hello everyone in the Weekend Experiences community! Today I return to the community after some time and I want to resume my participation in the place, taking as my theme one of the topics suggested for this week. I will be talking about tenacity, which is for me, one of the most beautiful qualities that human beings can have. Here I will tell you a little about my story about why I consider myself a tenacious person having gone through certain situations with so much determination and courage.

    We will never know what we are made of until we risk it enough to try it. I have always considered myself someone more or less capable of facing a large number of obstacles/trials (someone resilient but not very impetuous). However, there was something that didn't quite fit and that is that I felt that a certain way of being in my character prevented me from seeing things beyond my vision. Let's not say that it was completely fear, but it was a lot of caution before I started doing something. So little by little I had to broaden my horizons because life would give me a big surprise.

    For personal reasons (health and others), I had to make the decision to leave my country and go to where my sister lived in the United States. I would never before have thought about leaving my home, my comfort, and I definitely thought I knew everything about myself and the things I had already experienced. That is to say, at 26 years old I thought that nothing could surprise me anymore but I was very wrong. With an internal strength that had not been revived in me for a long time, I was able to travel alone, without a total orientation of what was coming, with the few resources I had (physical, mental and material), with several unforeseen events that even continued during my stay in the outside. I wouldn't want to give too many details, just know that it was something that changed my life (for the better). I look at myself and I am proud of such a great feat (of these and many others) because I was certainly always capable of much and more.

    With my experience, what I want to demonstrate is that it was not that I did not have the courage, determination and tenacity necessary to do everything I had to do, but that I had forgotten that this had been part of me for a long time and I had stopped it. side. So, from time to time it is good to take a look at our own achievements, efforts and qualities because they are there, waiting for us to use them and recognize them. It is noble to even recognize that we are ignorant by taking the limits of our human nature for granted, but I have realized that we have many extraordinary abilities and that if we put them into action, through that tenacity, our lives would be enhanced. Without further ado, dear friends, thank you very much for stopping by. A hug.


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