My career

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I'm a health information management professional. This wasn't the career I dreamt of, I never heard of the career until I was enrolled into school of health. Even though the profession is a very vital field in the health sector, the part of the country where I studied it made the career look like a joke. Our major duty is to record and keep medical records but information was not truly appreciated with how negligent the so-called professions were with records. Gradually I lost interest in the field and that's because the profession was represented poorly and other health professionals regarded the profession with no value.

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    A few months before our graduation, I told my friend I wasn't going to work in this field. I wanted to choose a different path , at least something that will be respected by all and since my desire to go for medicine didn't turn out fruitful, I resolved to go for computer engineering. This has been one of my passionate dream jobs and I have been backing it up with lessons on programming and other computer related courses.

    I have not used my certificate since graduation, I mean my professional certificate. The board has only been after money, bringing in laws that only make the professions pay for virtually everything and this had been a turn off for me. I have decided to go for a different career, one that will truly catch my interest and that I hope to find in the field of computer engineering or any career related to computer and software development. I have not engaged actively in my studied profession and I may not.

    This is in response to the Contest by the qc community. The contest is active for participation

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