Strong Tanker and Healer Save The Day - FiveAlive ruleset

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone, tonight I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is FiveAlive ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    • Melee mayhem.png Melee Mayhem, A melee monster can attack from any position, it will attack the monster in the first position.
    • mana cap.
    • can use elements Fire and Water.

    My Lineup and strategy

    We don't have any special strategy for this FiveAlive ruleset, but because of the Melee Mayhem ruleset, we decided to use the Water element because it has the best damager monster in the element we can use, and also has super strong tanker to defend against Melee Mayhem ruleset.

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Kelya Frendul, Give armor and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.2 buff from this summoner is suitable in this battle. With increasing speed, our monster has a chance to attack first, evade the enemy attack, and hit the enemy. Armor is essential too, because can block the damage from range and melee monsters.
    Baakjira, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Void, Slow, Strengthen, and Heal.This monster can defend against melee, ranged, and magical attacks. It has a high amount of health points, with good defend and support abilities such as Void (reducing magic damage by 50%), Strengthen (increasing the HP of all allied monsters by 1), and Slow (reducing enemy speed by 1). And this unit can Heal (restoring some HP every round). Usually, the enemy will need time to kill this unit. The only weakness this unit has is that it can't attack, but in this battle, we will make this unit attack due to the monster in the second position.
    Kulu Mastermind, 2nd position, attacker. Has ability Weapons Training, Opportunity, Shield, and, Enrage.I put this melee monster in the 2nd position to give Weapon Training to the monster in the 1st and 3rd position. With Weapon Training now the monster who can't attack can have a melee attack. Another ability this monster has is its Shield ability will decrease the melee and range damage by 50%. When this monster's HP is decreasing will activate the Enrage ability to give a boost to the damage and speed. This monster will attack the lowest HP from the enemy monster because have Opportunity ability.
    Merdaali Guardian, 3rd position, support, has the ability Tank Heal, Repair, and Strengthen.We use this monster to prolong the life of our monster in the front, this unit Heal our monster in the first position and restores the monster armor that has the highest damage. The Strengthen ability will increase the allied monster's HP to +1. This monster is weak against attack so I put it in this position to make sure it's safe from front and back attack.
    Coastal Sentry, 4th position, attacker. Has the ability Double Strike, and Piercing.Has very high damage because of the Double Strike ability this monster will attack twice each round giving 5 damage each for a total of 10 damage with the Piercing ability if the attack by this monster hits the armor and destroys it, then the remaining damage will hit the HP make this monster easier to kill the enemy. Usually, this monster can't attack from this position and needs to move to first position for attacking, but because of the Melee Mayhem ruleset this monster can attack from any position, this monster does not have a strong defense/ability, and against many attackers will die quickly, so I put it here to protect against melee attacker from the front, this is our main attacker.
    Hardy Stonefish, 5th position, Attacker and Tanker, do not have the ability.Because I only have 1 mana left I use this monster. Hardy Stonefish with 1 mana and 2 armor is perfect for this position. He can attack although only has 2 damage. I hope the enemy does not bring many monsters with the Sneak ability (attacking the monster in the last position).

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    The Strategy is work, but this is not an easy battle, the enemy has more speed and damage, but we have a better tanker Baakjira and we have a healer Merdaali Guardian. You can see below because the enemy River Nymph Swiftness boosts the speed of the enemy monster, the Diemonshark who activated the Enrage ability has high speed and is hard to hit by our monster, Fortunately, our Merdaali Guardian keeps healing our tanker Baakjira and give armor to our attacker Coastal Sentry who got attack by the enemy Deeplurker, so it can last until kill the Diemonshark.

    In round 4 we can see clearly how good is the combination of the Kulu Mastermind and Merdaali Guardian against many enemy attackers.

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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