"Bisag Saging, Basta Labing" (Even if it's just bananas, as long as there's love)

in voilk •  last month

    Most of the time, it is easy to overlook the simple pleasures and blessings that come our way. Today, I find myself grateful for the small joys that remind us of the beauty in our everyday surroundings.

    (These are two of the seven fruits in a Jackfruit tree. I used to call them Jack and Rose. I harvested them last time.)

    (Everyday, I am greeted with a handful ripe mulberries.)

    This morning, I ventured into my backyard and was greeted by a delightful sight: a bunch of mature bananas hanging from the plant. Harvesting these bananas is a treat I sometimes have to compete with my neighbors to get. The thrill of picking these fruits, knowing they are fresh and naturally grown, is an experience that fills me with gratitude.

    (I took the fruits down first and took a picture.)

    Backyard harvesting is not just about the physical act of picking the fruit. It is about connecting with nature, appreciating its bounty, and understanding the effort that goes into growing our food. Each banana I picked today is a testament to patience, care, and the nurturing environment we provide for these plants to thrive.

    One of the most rewarding aspects of such a harvest is the opportunity to share it with others. I gave about five hands of bananas to my aunt. I don't feel the need to give any to my neighbors just yet, as I suspect one of them took the "puso ng saging".

    (I plan to harvest them sometime next week. Hopefully, I'll get to them before my neighbors do.)

    Another banana plant at the back starting to blossom. will wait for around 10 banana hands before picking the "puso ng saging".

    Taking the time to acknowledge and be grateful for today's blessings can have a profound impact on our well-being. Whether it's a backyard harvest, a kind gesture from a neighbor, or the simple beauty of nature, these moments of gratitude help us to remain grounded and appreciative of the world around us. As we move forward, let us continue to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, recognizing and cherishing the blessings that come our way each day.

    Anyway, I'm planning to prepare various banana dishes later, perhaps Banana Q or Turon. Any suggestion guys?

    (Coincidentally, my aunt brought Turon from SM)

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