A little introduction to my Small Garden

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Everyone, I hope this post will find you in good health and elation. Today I'm gonna show you some plants I grown in my mini garden.
    It's collection of some plants including flowering, fruit and grassy plants.
    These plants are grown in the planters. The pots are given water daiky and the soil us kept moist.
    Firstly I will show you the rose plant rosa indica. Its kept with the lemon plant.

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    It's usually find with 3 to 4 flowers on it daily. In spring season the amount is increased.
    Lemon plant is not mature enough to have the flowers for fruiting.

    Another plant near it is Jasminum subtriplinerve. It's also having 2 beautiful flowers. This plant basically belongs to Jasmine family also the flowers resemble with the Jasmine flowers.

    With that I have another little plant of morus alba in growing stage. All these plants are small still so Im waiting for these plants to grow and give fruit.

    Besides this is a Jasmine flowering plant. I water them daily to maintain moisture because now a days the weather is harsh so they may get the drastic conditions if not cared properly.

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    Then comes my favorite one the aloe Vera plant. Its having its tips burned but Im unable to calculate the reasons for it. So I'm watering it more then usual. Now I'm noticing improvement in it's growth.

    Lastly I'm having guava growing with speed. I hope I would be able to care for it until it give me ripened fruits.
    All this was about my little garden. I hope you enjoyed and I'm sure that I'll be able to grow ut more and more.
    All these pictures were captured with my infinitx hot 11.
    Have a great weekend 😌. Goodbye

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