A battle to get the full moon.

in voilk •  3 days ago

    Clouds tried to spoil my night, but this time I was the winner.


    I will show you how the struggle started.

    We had some time to spare before the moon started rising, and so we went to a restaurant called "BOSSA" to watch the Springboks in a rugby match against Wales. The match started late, and I suppose it was scheduled because of the time difference between South Africa and Wales. The Springboks are the world champs, and needless to say that they gave the Wales rugby team a hiding. We don't have a TV, and I was eager to watch the match at BOSSA, as they have many big TV screens. We also had a grilled fish and chips to share, and so, it was a good start to the night.
    But I digress, so, come and watch the battle.

    This was the scene as we exited the restaurant, and I took all of the photos from the steps at the entrance of the restaurant. A band of cloud tried to hide the moon from my camera.

    I knew that the moon's rise would clear the band, and I snapped it's rise out of the band. Now this takes a lot of patience, and in the meantime, I had to stand aside on the steps, each time when customers entered or left the restaurant.


    Ever so slowly, the moon started to clear the band of clouds.


    I tried to take a distant shot below, as I saw a shooting star or a comet (you can see the white line) at the right-hand of the photo, and sadly the photo was not very clear.

    As the moon rose into the gap of the clouds that you see above, I extended the zoom and got the photos below. A wee cloud strand still clung to the bottom of the moon's face.

    And this below was the clearest that I could get it.

    I stood on those steps for a long time, and by the time that I was done, both my wife and I had lame legs. For safety sake, she stood the whole time at my side, as it was dark and with all of the criminals around, it is not very wise for a woman to sit waiting alone in a dark car. Our VW Polo Vivo, is on the list of the most hijacked and stolen cars in the country, due to its popularity, and the thieves here prefer rather to shoot than to talk. If a driver has a look at their faces, the driver would be sure to get shot, in order to prevent the driver from identifying the thieves. It is a wild west, as many illegal weapons, especially guns and ammunition are for sale, and most thieves are armed. Hundreds of cars are stolen every year, and it is not if, but when our time also comes to be accosted by the criminals. So be it!

    I was glad to finally get the moon and then we had to hurry home at last. We try not to drive at night, due to the danger, but sometimes one has to do, what one has to do, and this was such a night. Thankfully we arrived at home safely.

    Hope that you liked the pictures.

    Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

    Camera: Canon PoweshotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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