sunday till tuesday: February 20 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    it was a pretty rough week!

    i would like to give a short recap of what happened so far.

    we went snowboarding last saturday, a very very good experience. got to finally do some progress in my very very slow snowboard "progress" journey. very proud of myself for that and i'm planning to make an entry for that, so stay tuned. we went home exhausted.

    sunday was the rest day. we officially welcomed a new housemate. well technically he isn't, he lives in the next door apartment. he actually came a few weeks before but our schedules just don't match. although he stayed next door, it was my first time meeting him. first impressions? hmmm. very young! and very tall, he towered over me. i have never experienced that height, i joked. but he seems quite easy to get along and very musically talented; he enjoys the electric guitar and plans to buy one soon.

    we went to a chain sushi house at lunch with the newbie. at the waiting area, i saw this figure (roblox?!?) seated on the waiting benches. the benches were full and people were standing but no one removed this figure, no one dared to sit at where it was seated. i find this so cute and amusing. this figure definitely gained the people's respect.

    i ate more than usual. iwas tired the previous day and that is my excuse for this suttle gluttony. our newbie was probably shy or is still not used to eating something raw or is probably saving money, he ate so little. as we walked back home, we came up of a plan to go to the onsen (hot spring). the weather was fine and my body was still sore from the snowboard trip. surprisingly, the newbie al said yes.

    so off we went, the newbie admitted that he was caught off guard. he said yes immediately and thought about all the nakedness later on. we ate dinner over there at first. this is the only picture i took of the area. of course, i cannot take pictures of the naked bodies inside. this was our go to onsen area as it was relatively close to our home. and the ambiance is great! there is something about all the nakedness around you, you feel distant to the material world. with no status in sight, everyone is equal: equally naked that is. and the hot water against your body and the cool night breeze once you get up from the pool: the perfect place to relax the mind and body indeed. the newbie also enjoyed the experience, he said. he knew that he will never enter one alone; going with us was his only chance of having this experience. i hope he enjoyed it as much as i did.

    monday was a work day. i was still not in the mood for anything strenuous. i returned the laptop fan i buoght the other day. it was totally my fault, i didn't check thoroughly. i dismantled the machine and screwed the new fan only to find out that it was a 4-pin cable and my motherboard uses a 3-pin one. just not compatible. i immediately went back to amazon and ordered a 3-pin cpu fan. i also asked for a refund and returned the wrong one, thankfully they accepted it. later that night, i rested and slept. no exercise at all.

    and now tuesday! i finally decided to go to the gym for my cardio routine. my legs were still pretty sore but i just have to power through it all. for whatever wind blew at me, i decided to do a level 11 incline today. it was more excrutiating, sweat immediately rolled down on the first 5 minutes. this is harder but somehow manageable. the last 10 minutes were hard, i was out of breath. and my gym clothes were more wet than usual. i'll have to keep this pace from now on though.

    and so here is the step count from sunday till now. clearly showed which day was the rest day.

    hope you had fun reading.
    stay safe as always.

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    all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

    all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Treadmill, Walking
    168.0 cm
    71.2 kg
    Body Fat
    21.5 %

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