The Impact of Personal Commitment in the Community!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    One of the things that makes me happy especially living as a tenant with other people is contributing my quota to the runnings of the community without being told what to do, perhaps there is a meeting for all tenants to come out, and then I am always available for that so as not to miss out on any information regarding the ways to keep the community going without falling a victim of having to face the law.

    1000223624.jpga part of my current vicinity

    When I was very young, just finished secondary school. My parents and I lived in a compound with a few tenants facing each other including the landlord and his family. There was a roaster for every tenant on days they were to clean the surroundings and without being told, I already knew when it was time to take over and clean everywhere with my siblings around. It got to a point, where other tenants who were all guys and too lazy to do anything stopped their responsibilities. This doesn't stop me from doing mine too because I have learnt to do what is right even when others aren't doing it, when they know it's their right to do it.

    Every weekend, whether it's our turn or not, I will wash the gutter outside the building and make sure everything is clean. There was a case sometimes where some officials came around checking every house and taking note of the ones that were messy and would fine them with some charges. On many occasions, the landlord would host a meeting to discuss the ongoing changes and what to be done in order not to be faced by the law, but these tenants won't even take a step as they believe money can do everything.

    I would wash the gutter on weekends without minding them because I love everywhere to be clean. The toilets and bathrooms aren't left out too and it was something that was part of me. Even when I got to the university, you know some students and how they behave, especially the guys wanting to claim that their gender shouldn't be washing the toilets or sweeping. We, the ladies have tried talking to them that doing the chores doesn't point at one gender but everyone should partake in it and since we all are tenants in the house, they have to do it.

    1000223628.jpgA backyard that leads to my apartment

    Many times, we get called out by some officials who would threaten to close the building if we do not take care of the surroundings that have always been left in a disorganised way. The landlady wasn't living with us but would come on unexpected days to hold a meeting and encourage us to do our part. For someone like me who has always loved a clean environment, I wouldn't mind clearing every part that needs some touch since I won't be spending the whole day there. Once I am done, I take my bath and that is for the day until after some days or weeks depending on how messy it looks again.

    Presently where I am living, there is no cause for alarm whatsoever because the community is so organised and everyone is always locked in their homes. They know what to do at the right time without being told and since I have arrived in this community, there hasn't been any meeting called to lead us in some project that may come up. Of course, if there is, I am a tenant and would show up to take my part in making sure the whole place is organised and no need to be threatened by any officials.

    Three weekends ago, I took it upon myself to clean the backyard which was looking so messy and till now, everywhere is looking tidy. I was also called upon a few days ago about the contribution they make yearly for the security in the community and I immediately gave my contribution and it made me happy because I value security and since there are some able-bodied men who do not sleep at night but to keep watch out for any illegal movements while we are sleeping, it's necessary to do our part by encouraging them too. So far, this community has been one of the most organised places I have ever lived in.

    1000220587.jpgand that's my apartment up there

    If a community isn't organised or in unity, it makes a lot of things happen which would affect everyone living in that area. My aunt lived in a community for many years and there was no week there wouldn't be a case of theft where some young youths would come to ransack some homes and cart away with their properties. The community had no serious people who could find ways to curb the act and it gave room for menaces to keep occurring.

    This is something that poses a threat to every individual staying in such a community because their lives aren't taken seriously by people who claim to be leaders in the community. This is something that could turn a community into an empty place when people start to leave for their lives.

    The role of everyone in a community is important to keep it going and progressing. Communities should be able to create awareness, especially among those who are uneducated about things by enlightening them on the importance of some particular project that should be made available for the benefit of everyone. Some people should be responsible for watch-programs where suspicious movements should be reported to law enforcement authorities as soon as possible.

    I believe things like this can be possible when there is unity and serious leaders are chosen to see the affairs of everyone in the locality.

    This is my entry to Day 9 Inleo Monthly Initiative. If you are looking to participate, you can jump on it now by clicking the link below for more instructions.

    April Inleo Monthly Calendar
    Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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