Afternoon Run -17km (a bit of Déjà vu?)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    dannewton just finished a 16.92km run, that lasted for 105 minutes.
    This run helped dannewton burn 1215.0 calories.

    Description from Strava: Hmm... this all looks a little familiar...

    Monday - check!
    First run of the week - check!
    Heading out in the evening after work - check!
    Zone 2 low heart rate effort - check!
    Casual loop around Branston and Washingborough - check!

    I've done the same loop on a Monday evening 3 weeks in a row now...

    image.png I do appear to be getting slower each time....

    Actually no, I'm not bothered about the time... its all about keeping the effort nice and easy... and I did that. The route just fits perfectly into the 'first run of the week' slot in my schedule.

    An easy and relaxing, but still relatively interesting and varied, 10 mile loop around some local villages. There's pavement, and street lights and roads which aren't busy... just can't go wrong.

    Oh wait a minute, there was something different this evening... about halfway round (just running down the hill through Washingborough, but Dad decided to phone me for a quick chat. Nothing overly exciting, but wanted to pass on some recent news.


    In the past I would've told him I was busy and i'd have called him back later, but I decided today just to stop and walk for the 5 minute duration of the call. Like I say, it was only meant to be an easy effort... I've got time to talk and catch up, and it won't make much difference to my run

    Although it might explain why I was a little slower on this run compared to the previous 2 weeks!

    No matter. It was a nice easy effort to start the week. Tuesday will be a rest day as usual, and then Wednesday I shall run the same route again... don't worry, it will be in the opposite direction just to add a bit of variety haha!

    If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

    About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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