Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - A Battle of Attrition in Noxious Fumes

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello everyone! This is my first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Ranked Modern Diamond. Despite the Noxious Fumes, it lasted several rounds.


    In my opinion, the best battle I fought today!


    Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_2ab90ad394f8c597f5d93fb9165e8ffd


    This game has the following rule sets: Noxious Fumes and Heavy Hitters. We can mostly ignore the Heavy Hitters and we both ended up doing so. However, we can't ignore Noxious Fumes. With a lot of mana, I wanted to play either the Dragon Splinter or Possibilus the Wise. I opted for the second option because it would allow me to play Mantaroth in the second position In front of it, I went with Arkemis the Bear. I followed them with the 3 amigos: Grimbardun Smith, Daarg Deadblast, and Baakjira. All of them work perfectly together. Grimbardun has Immunity, Baakjira heals itself, and Daarg makes both of them attack and has Triage. For the last slot, I opted for Wave Brood so I would have some Taunt. They went with a very different team, including many cards I don't have: Avina of the Wolf, Inevitable, Harbinger of Chaos, Runi, and Mad Ogre Anarchist. They also had Iziar and Adelade Brightwing. Looks like a very powerful team with 4 immunity monsters, 1 that revives itself to comeback without the poison, and Iziar with Taunt and Martyr. To further support it, they have Triage and one Resurrect.


    Iziar was the first monster to die, after round 2, during the Poison. It came back and made the 2 monsters much more scary, especially Runi. Their Iziar got healed with the Triage, I took our their Harbringer thanks to Mantaroth's Blast and Iziar died a second time. However, now it buffed the much more dangerous Inevitable. On round 4 Runi was buffed twice and it took out my Wave Brood. Not only that, but it was also negating my Blast. Thanks to the Triage, it was being kept alive. In round 5 I lost Daarg and the game wasn't looking very good. However, round 7 was the turning point. I lost Mantaroth first but my 2 non-attackers with magic attacks were exploiting Inevitable's only weakness. They managed to take its health to exactly zero. After this, the gamer was over. They didn't have enough power to outperform the heal and repair of my monsters. I few more rounds and I finished the game.


    Looking at the game, I see that Inevitable wasn't as Inevitable as it sounded. It was healing itself for 5 a turn, while my magic attacks were dealing 6. I put the battle link into Xbot's Battle Vision and I get a 100% win rate. If I move Runi to the second position, I don't get 100% but it's still around 90% for me. I tried Grandmaster Rathe instead of Avina. It's still 100% for me if Runi is not in the second position but if it is, my win rate drops to a bit over 60%. That's a huge difference. I'm glad they went with Avina and didn't put Runi next to Inevitable./div>


    What do you all think about this game? Would you have done anything different? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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    All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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