Writer's VS Scoring your writing goals

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Excellent and Proficient writers are goal oriented people. There's always a deadline to meet. It could be a personal deadline or a business deadline. For example, a writer who is working so hard to finish his book has a deadline to meet by the end of the day or by the end of the week. A ghostwriter who has a daily word count of 4k words to deliver every single day, has a deadline to meet. A copywriter who has 10 copies to write for different brands has a deadline to meet. These deadline can come together to produce the goals of the said writer. And these goals are not something you can forfeit, else you loose your client's trust. This means that, a writer must learn how to achieve goals.

    Be Clear About Your Goals: Understand what you really want to achieve for the month and break them into weekly and daily goals. One thing that can help a man's clarity with goals is writing it down. Write it down. Tick the dates and start tracking your progress. Personally, I go on to chart my month and paste it on my chart board. Each time I walk into my room, I catch a first glance of my goals. This keeps my mind running with a consciousness.

    Be Firm About Your Goals: Avoid laziness. When you set goals, follow it up religiously. Avoid being nonchalant about it. Any goal that receives a nonchalant approach will never be achieved. Have a mindset that is bent on achieving those goals and create a daily schedule that achieves it.


    Set Reminders: Break your daily activities into different times of the day and stick to it. Set a prompt on your phone that comes up at your (book) writing time. These reminders should not snooze. Attend to your writing job immediately. The massive results people amase from writing comes this way.

    Make Yourself a Promise: Attach a promise to yourself for scoring your goals. The more goals you score, the more money you make. You should understand. You could promise yourself a classy wristband or something else after scoring your goals. What your mind does is to put the gift in your face as you work, and then you realise that you are quickly getting things done.

    Get an Accountability System: Accountability matters in scoring your writing goals. Set a system where someone (it could be a coach, a leader or a friend) has to inspect your progress with your goals over a said period. Accountability hastens your response to work. Sometimes you have a point to prove to this system or you simply can't afford to flop, you are therefore on your toes with achieving your goals.

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