in voilk •  4 months ago


    Inter-house sports competition in my school

    I have always wished to be part of an inter-house sports competition or witness one because have never had the opportunity to go or witness any

    So the school I am been posted to happened to be having a constant rehearsal for the 61st annual house sports competition which was last month
    When I got to my place of primary assignment I was surprised and happy when I was told that they were being prepared for their inter-house sports competition we were given our different houses to monitor and guide to make sure that each house that we were being assigned to comes out first and also the best

    The colors of the various houses include Blue, yellow, green, and red

    Have always loved Blue House right from my teenage days so I was happy when I was assigned to Blue House I always support, encourage, and put in my best for them to come out well
    Between January and February was constant rehearsal as we were told that different dignitaries would be around on that day
    We were having rehearsals on Tuesdays and Thursdays and each of these days am always excited

    During my secondary school days back then my school wanted to go for an inter-house sports competition or they had one, I remember how we would go to big fields to race and some other sports activities

    Back then we were serious about it and constantly undergoing our activities but the problem was that the school authority told us to pay a particular amount of money and they made it compulsory for all students in the school to pay


    After some time some students paid as we were reminded constantly it was about a month or weeks to the day that the principal of the school had to inform us that they didn't think that the house competition would no longer take place as the turnout for payment is very low that the students that paid were not up to 45 percentage that they will be making a refund to as many that have already paid and told them that after the assembly that they should come to the office of a particular class teacher of the school to get back their money

    Sincerely speaking I wasn't happy so after the assembly I went directly to the class teacher's office to get back my money throughout that day I wasn't happy and when I got home I told my parent about it they comforted me and also said a word of encouragement to me which I held on to

    Back to my place of primary assignment the day finally came and we were all told to come with our sports wears or we should put on trousers with a polo on it

    They started by introducing the dignitaries and after that, the principal and some other personalities walked in

    Different houses did their match pass followed by different races such as sack race, blind race, and egg race

    The staff also ran and they were all given an award as well

    We were all excited when it was time to announce the results because we were all eager to hear the results

    Blue House came out first
    Yellow House came out in the Second position
    Green House came out in third position and Red House Fourth Position

    I was so happy when it was announced that my favorite house which is Blue house came out first

    I was so excited, snapped with them, and also celebrated with them

    Thanks for Reading through

    All Images are mine

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