They really annoy me.... Zombies (192)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    "Every human being we save is one less zombie to fight."

    -LUDI BOEKEN - Jurgen Warmbrunn


    I was thinking since last night about the topics that Galen proposed and I was turning my head around, because the topic that called me gives a lot to talk about.

    How many things can there be in today's society that are popular, that is to say a generality, and that bother me. That's what I was thinking about and thinking about.

    There is always room for improvement, both as an individual and as a society. But when you go against the tide in some things that are popular, they stand out more and become annoying. Because they are common, because we see them every day and not only in one person, but in many. Of course there is always some crazy person like me, and among crazy people we understand each other.

    So what really bothers me about a popular attitude in this society in which I live?

    I think what bothers me the most are the real zombies, the ones that are everywhere, all around us and that don't look up to see the real reality.

    Yes, I think that's what bothers me the most. Maybe because I was once like that until I woke up.

    I go out on the street and I see all the people inside their phone, they are literally inside it, there is nothing else. There are no other people, there is no nature, there is nothing.

    Social networks have plunged them into an illusion, and to think that I saw the beginning of all that.

    I was teaching computer science when social networks appeared and I saw how little by little they were eating away at people's brains, taking them away from a critical sense, from reading a good book on paper, from real contact with people and above all from the connection with nature.

    Today it's all about watching networks, the lives of others, what the other person did and didn't do, while the person watching.... He does nothing, because he is looking at the other's life.

    Do I look annoying? Well, a little bit.

    Sometimes I would like to be a giant dragon flying over the skies so that people raise their heads and SEE.

    Let people look, observe, use their senses in reality, in truth and in what exists. Not just on a screen. Let people focus on their family, friendships, life itself, nature.

    Let people look at the sky, at the tree next to them when they walk, let them listen to the chirping of birds or the laughter of a child. I wonder if people who are in their mobile phones all day long know what a good coffee tastes like, do they savour it? Or a good meal, because they don't even put their phones down when they eat.

    People look too much at the other, and not inside themselves, when what really matters is to know oneself fully, deeply, to improve what we believe we should and learn, to be responsible and committed to ourselves.

    There are many zombies in society, too many and it is increasing, many people no longer think for themselves, they just repeat what they hear on TV or see on the phone. Their brains have been consumed. Do they even think about whether what they see or hear is true? No, they don't.

    When I walk down the streets I see them, and I have to avoid bumping into them because they don't see me. If I walk straight ahead... they don't see me, they don't do it, they don't look around. And if that bothers me, because I think where the society is going, where...

    Society will split in two, one will be a zombie and the other won't, but the one that isn't will be able to survive, there are less and less of us. Technology is absolving people's brains.

    As I said, on my way I met many crazy people like me and that pleases me, we will form the society of crazy people who see and admire colours, flowers, we know how to hear and decide for ourselves what is real and what is not.


    Today I have done a kind of catharsis and for that, thank you @galenkp. It was nice to write for a while about what bothers me. Maybe I'll find more "weirdos".

    Thank you all very much for reading this far, best regards and a very good weekend.


    All photographs are my own.

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