Taking Up Responsibilities

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Why is this place dirty? The voice belonged to the ever active senior boarding house master, it was unmistakable.
    Judging from where the voice came from, I was sure he was referring to the open space assigned for my house to sweep and keep clean.

    I was in SSS2 but I was not the house captain, the SSS3 students had gone to their various centres to write JAMB and the SSS2 students were assigned temporary leadership roles, I was acting as the house captain, so I was responsible for the supervision of my house boys.

    At this point in time, all the junior boys had left hostel and just the seniors were left (the seniors with responsibilities), I knew very well that I would have to be doing the sweeping that morning because the boarding master wouldn't let me leave that place dirty; it was his way of always reminding you that if your subordinates fail in their duty, the blame goes to you.

    After thorough explanations that I tried my best to give, he still didn't agree. He taught me a big lesson about responsibility and accountability.


    That evening after school, I called a meeting, singling out the junior boy who failed in his duty, I was tempted to flog him but I thought better, he was after all a JSS2 boy, about 11 or 12 years old. I then addressed house on the need to sit up and be on their toes.

    The next Saturday was inspection, so on Friday I spoke extensively with the acting house captain who happened to be my classmate on the need to break the jinx of our house constantly coming last in inspections. I mandated hin to deliver his "polling unit " while I deliver mine to ensure we come out tops.

    That Saturday, I took the boarding house masters lesson seriously. As early as 6 am, I already went round to wake all the boys up, they started their chores immediately, I went round severally to ensure the jobs were done to my satisfaction and before 9am which was time for the inspection, we were thoroughly ready.

    I can't forget that day because we took 1st in the inspection, a feat that had previously eluded the house captain but as acting prefect, I was able to achieve it in my very 1st inspection.



    I also carried the lesson of responsibility to the inter house sports, now as house captain.
    Hitherto, the house has taken 6th position for 2 consecutive years, we didn't really have the talent but with my coordination, we were able to come 4th out of 6 participating houses, just 2 points shy of 3 position.

    It was a heartbreaking result but I solidified the lesson of responsibility and accountability. Till date, I don't give excuses, especially while in leadership positions because whenever you really want to give an excuse, one must definitely come up but does it speak well of a good leader?

    It doesn't in my books.

    Thanks for reading and have a nice day

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