Sex Sells!

in voilk •  17 days ago

    Oh Hoi

    Lady bug on oak tree branch)

    Sex sells, so I am going the full monty on porn 24/365. Yep when I started on Steemit nearly a decade ago, I chose the name Old Guy Photos because I am an old guy that likes taking photos. Well in 2024, the whole old guy taking photos thing hasn't worked out too well for me here on Hive, so I need a fresh start. Yep I am certain that my pot of gold is going to be found in the naughty clicks category.


    The old adage is "if the universe gives you lemons, make some lemonade". Well that is actually what I am doing. I mean I have no control over the type of lemons I am given; my jobs is to share the lemons with you all.

    Cocoon on my oak tree (its Tree Tuesday after all) Notice that cloudless Virginia blue sky...

    First the universe gave me an orgy of sexy skeletons at a Michael's store...


    Then, my next lemons were some bugs getting busy...



    But today it was Mr and Mrs Ladybug getting it on! 😮 Heck its not even Spring when it seems more natural for some twitterpation! Well I guess it goes to prove even bugs can act like animals now and again 😎


    All shots with my Sony a7iv with my badly needing a cleanup Sony 90mm macro.

    Geez, get a room already! 😏

    The Old Guy Amazon Store ❤️

    The Old Guy Amazon Store in the UK

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    Thanks for stopping by!

    All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

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