My Cleaning Activity For Thursday the 18th of April, 2024.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Good day everyone, welcome to my blog. Today I carried out my cleaning activity within a public school near the Ogbomoso Stadium, this school had been littered by clubs and people who come to train. These clubs and people buy sachet water, bottle water , biscuits , sweets, bottle drinks etc , after taking the content they throw away the container anywhere they see.

    Recycling materials in plastic, polythene bags, glass, and so on is a simple way to start keeping our environment clean. An average nigerian will drop their water sachets, biscuits, nylon, bottled, or can drinks container, and candy packs either by the roadsides, in boarded vehicles, or on highways, and it's high time for Nigerians to avoid indiscriminate waste disposal to mobile waste bagging.

    "The objective of cleaning is not just to clean but to feel happiness living within the environment" – Marie kondo

    These pictures show how I carried out my cleaning for the day.





    Let's keep our environment clean and safe by disposing of waste responsibly. A clean environment helps keeps diseases away.

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