Toxic relationship? Let it go

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    We humans are social animals .We couldn't live without social interactions.We have social bonding with other humans and due to this social nature we make emotional connections with others.Children are all about love.They got emotionally attached to ones that love them.But as we grew up we need more than love and it is respect,attention ,care and so on.I believe that parents should be the primary providers of attention, care, and sufficient time to foster emotional attachment with their children.If parents neglect this responsibility, it results in a loss for both the children and the parents.Their teens got distracted easily. Parents should closely monitor their children's activities and create such a space where their teens feel comfortable enough to share anything with them freely.

    Well i am saying all of this because i have a story to share.A friend of mine,was in a relationship for past 8 years.Everything started at such a young age of hers with her immature mind.And guess what ? They got engaged too.I remember she used to tell me that he is very caring and a good-natured person.All was going well.Years have flown.Our communication lessened becuase of our long distance friendship.

    Yesterday i was chatting with her and she told me that her engagement was called off months ago.I was stunned.After this my ears couldn't bear the weight of her words.She told me that seemingly healthy relationship was a toxic one.He used to fight over little things.He abused her too and really disrespects her.He used to lie about her to his family and her family too.She overthink these thing and it worsens her mental health.She had been consulting a psychiatrist for a while.She couldn't hold these things for longer and one day she called him and ended the engagement.

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    This makes me so happy and relieved for her.I can't express.She told me that she is feeling so free and liberated after letting him go. But the disappointment was that her parents scolded her on such action and accused her of having feelings for someone else. Those parents who were never there for her when she needed their love and support but they were there when she did something good for her own self.

    A thirsty crow wants water even if the water is venomous. She always lacked the love and care in her life which in start was provided by that guy. She thought that he is too good but as the time passed and his real side opened up, she immediately called that relationship off. A really good decision taken on time. Her parents should have stood behind her but they did an opposite thing.

    As this world is progressing human beings are getting themselves busy. This is affecting the young generation of this world. Parents should leave some room for their children from the so called busy life and make a special bond with their teens.
    And for You people out there ,please dont hesitate for letting go such toxic and unhealthy relationships.Prioritize yourselves first and do what is best for you.

    I hope my blog affects many of you to decide what is right.
    Meet you soon.
    Take care till then.

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