Musical Reflections, Buying epic cards, completing new goals, Progress, Rising Star.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today, as in previous days, I want to start sharing with you my opinions about some musical work that I have listened to in the last few days. In this case it's the turn of Abraham Mateo's album, titled "Insomnio". This album was released recently, at the beginning of April, and just yesterday I listened to it, and here I am to leave you my impressions.

    I can start by saying that since its release, this work has generated endless comments and expectations among the followers of the talented Spanish singer. I have noticed a high activity of comments and news about it. This was undoubtedly what caught my attention at first and I decided to listen to it as well. As they say, "the power of word of mouth" haha.

    Well, I can say that "Insomnio" welcomes us with a collection of 16 original songs, each one with its own charm and personality. And yes, after listening to them I can say that they are pretty good. You can tell that Abraham put a lot of effort here. Well, I have noticed a plus in this album that I had not felt in some of his previous works. I think it is due to the combination of several genres that we can find in the album.

    One of the most outstanding features of "Insomnio" are the collaborations with other renowned artists. Ana Mena, Omar Montes, Chanel Terrero and Sebastian Yatra join Abraham Mateo on this album, bringing their own voice and style to each song. These collaborations add an extra layer of depth and dynamism to the album, creating memorable moments. In my particular case I liked these collaborations.

    Personally, I find that tracks like "Quiero Decirte" and "Clavaito" stand out for their emotionality and rhythm.... However, each song on "Insomnio" has its own unique appeal, which makes the album a satisfying experience. If you have listened to it I would also like to know your opinion in this section.

    In closing I can say that Abraham Mateo as an artist through his musical diversity, emotional depth and collaborations on this album stands out as a good work in today's music scene. It's not every day you can find music that connects well with you.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying Epic Card and meeting goals.


    Well friends, now we move on to my favorite section of the day, in which I show you my latest acquisitions in the fantastic game that we all love so much, Rising Star. To begin with I want to tell you that today I bought a very special card, I mean an epic card. This card has great advantages and has helped me to advance and meet some of the goals I had proposed.

    As I said a few days ago I had the goal of reaching 3000 fans, since I am a new player. Well, with the purchase of this card I have not only completed my goal but also surpassed it. This makes me very happy because it is one more step towards becoming a true Rising Star. So now without further introduction I present it to you:


    The card is called: E224 Blue Jay 34. And as I said it is an Epic card. Among its advantages are the boost in fans it gives you, which is 1.2K fans. All a madness for me that I'm starting. Because I advance more than 1000 fans with a single card.

    But that's not all this card offers as it also has 15 luck and 10 IM. Which combined with the fans is an excellent card. I am very happy for this purchase.


    Now let's talk about prices, because you must be wondering, how much did this card cost you? Well, my friends, the answer is 75k starbits. Which translated to HIVE, would be around 0, 50. Which undoubtedly makes it a very cheap card. This card is ideal to advance quickly at a low price. So you know if you want to buy fans these days you know which is the right one.

    By the way this card right now you can get it right now in the game market for 76k starbits. So take advantage of it. The personalized phrase of this card is: "Show up in style." And boy does it have style, haha. With this one I already have 4 different types of transport cards.


    Buying a new Common card.


    Well yes, I also bought a new common card along with this one. The card is called: Edmond. It gives me a total of 10 fans and 10 skills.


    The price of the card in the game market is 850 starbits, so it is super cheap. If you are starting like me in the game you know that this one is also recommended. The phrase on the card is: "Wants to be a stor but we don't think he'll go for."

    General Progress.

    Well my dear friends now it's time for the final section where we will talk about my latest progress and how the last purchases I have made in the game have benefited me.

    Let's start with my fans, with the sum of today's 2 cards that are more than 1,2k I have in total together with the ones I had previously: 3730. Not bad for me as the saying goes I entered yesterday. The next goal as you can imagine is 4000k da fans, and I'm sure it will be very soon.

    My luck is: 1512, this thanks to the addition of today's epic card, my skill is still higher than the other stats with: 6497 skill. My IM went up with the new card to 26. My total card collection is now 170.


    Well my friends that's all for today, but I'll be back with more soon. Greetings.

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