A Call for a Community Vote on Rewarding Threads Using the #freecompliments Tag

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Repetitive Threads on InLeo’s Microblogging Platform

    With the great help of @crazyphantombr, and as part of our monthly engagement contests, we’ve encountered a small number of users who post repetitive threads with little unique content. As part of our philosophy of rewarding all threads using the #freecompliments tag, we’ve continued rewarding these threads with votes and with HSBI for our monthly rewards. However, we figured that it would be a good idea to put the rewards to a community vote so that we can institute quality control via rewards without resorting to censorship.

    I’m not going to post usernames, because none of this content is “bad” or written with bad intentions – it’s just repetitive. From our end, we’re not going to punish them in any way, because that’s not what we’re about. What we’re going to determine are rewards.

    Here are some examples of the content we’re talking about:

    See? Nothing illegal here, and some are actually nice sentiments. However, there’s basically no variation from these users.

    Let’s Put This To a Vote!

    I’m going to split this into a few options to determine what we should do. It’s going to involve other user activity, rewards via curation, and rewards via HSBI.

    The first scenario is that a user posts repetitive Threads like this every day but also posts unique content with the #freecompliments tag (similar to how I post the same Mental Health Initiative threads every day, but also add other unique content).

    1. For users who post repetitive daily threads but also write other unique threads, should their repetitive threads be rewarded with tiny votes (1%) from our fc-leo-curator account?

    2. For users who post repetitive daily threads but also write other unique threads, should their repetitive threads be rewarded with HSBI for these threads when we calculate our monthly rewards?

    Now, we’ll consider the scenario in which the user posts repetitive Threads like this every day without any other unique content using the #freecompliments tag.

    1. For users who only post repetitive daily threads, should their repetitive threads be rewarded with tiny votes (1%) from our fc-leo-curator account?

    2. For users who only post repetitive daily threads, should their repetitive threads be rewarded with tiny votes (1%) from our fc-leo-curator account?

    I’ll put these questions to a vote in the comment section below and we’ll go with what the community decides.

    My Personal Thoughts

    I personally think that, as long as a user writes unique content with the #freecompliments tag, it’s ok to reward them with both votes and rewards (votes, HSBI) for repetitive daily threads. A user who does this may simply enjoy having a daily thread with a particular thought or theme, and that’s totally ok! They’ll still be contributing unique content on top of their usual daily thread. I’d say that I fit squarely into this category, both in terms of the mental health initiative and reusing some quotes I’ve written, but I also write unique content with the tag (but then again, I also don’t reward myself lol).

    For those who simply post repetitive threads without other unique content, I’d veer on the side of not rewarding them HSBI for monthly rewards, but I’d be ok with giving them tiny (1%) votes on a daily basis, as long as it’s not exceeding once per day, which would be an anti-spam measure. The daily threads do help keep the tag trending, which is useful from a marketing perspective (thus bringing value), and are frankly totally harmless.


    Let’s see what the FreeCompliments Community decides to do with repetitive threads in terms of curation and rewards. Your voice and opinion is very important and does matter, so I hope that you’ll participate in directing this community towards its best path. Thank you in advance for your participation!

    Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

    Here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

    Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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