Our arrows are broken [ES/EN]

in voilk •  6 months ago



    Hoy les traigo un nuevo tutorial de batalla en Splinterlands, y esta vez, hablaremos de un ruleset que suele cambiar mucho el panorama real cuando aparece, porque es bastante limitativo y obliga a usar estrategias no convencionales para poder jugar en el. Si no lo manejas lo suficiente, quedate a leer este post donde te dare un tutorial excelente sobre como jugarlo. Me hace muy feliz estar de vuelta una vez mas trayendoles estos tutoriales de batalla, pero no nos vayamos por las ramas y vamos a los que nos compete en este post, que es el ruleset #BrokenArrows.


    Today I will bring you guys a new battle tutorial in Splinterlands on my Hive blog, and this time, we will talk about a ruleset that usually changes a lot the real scenario when it appears, because it is quite limiting and forces you to use unconventional strategies to be able to play it. If you don't know it well enough, stay and read this post where I will give you an excellent tutorial on how to play it. It makes me very happy to be back once again bringing you these battle tutorials, but let's not go off the deep end and let's get to the subject of this post, which is the #BrokenArrows ruleset.


    Broken Arrows

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    Cuando este ruleset aparece en la batalla prohibe por completo el uso de cartas con ataque a distancia, esto aplica tambien para cartas con dos tipos de ataque que posean ataque a distancia entre esos dos, dejando libre el uso de cartas Melee y Magicas.

    ¿Cómo le sacas provecho a este ruleset?

    No existe una forma real de sacarle provecho al ruleset de ninguna forma, salvo crear la mejor alineacion posible sin tener en mente el uso de las cartas de ataque a distancia. Lo que si puedes aprovechar es del hecho de saber que no habran cartas con distancia, seguro que si habra daño magico y tambien Melee, asi que un tanque con mucha vida, armadura, escudo o Void y Void Armor es una gran manera de empezar a alinear un equipo.

    When this ruleset appears in the battles it completely prohibits the use of cards with ranged attack type, this also applies to cards with two attack types that have ranged attack between those two, leaving free the use of Melee and Magic cards.

    How do you take advantage of this ruleset?

    There is no real way to take advantage of this ruleset in any way, except to create the best possible alignment without having in mind the use of ranged attack cards on your lineup. What you can take advantage of is the fact that you know there won't be any ranged cards, there will certainly be magic damage and Melee as well on the enemy team, so a tank with a lot of life, armor, shield or Void and Void Armor is a great way to start a team lineup.


    Here's the battle

    Round 1

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    Esta es una potente batalla de torneo contra @michupa en la que ambos enviamos alineaciones similares, esto impulsado por el ruleset, el mana, los splinters permitidos y la combinacion de rulesets.

    • Mycelic Slipspawn es mi tanque porque tiene una vida altisima y eso es importantisimo.

    • Magi of Chaos mas alla que por su vida, es por el tremendo daño que lo añado aqui.

    • Doctor Blight es importantisimo con su Afliction para evitar la curacion de su tanque, es ahi donde mi equipo rompe la batalla.

    • Goblin Psychic se encargará de mantener con vida a mi tanque y tambien apoyar haciendo daño.

    • Spirit Hoarder en caso de que el enemigo usara cartas con Sneak o como es este caso, si existe el ruleset del Scattershot, el Triage ayudara a curar y anular un poco este ruleset.

    • Queen Mycelia para brindar armadura en caso de que aparecieran cartas con Melee.

    This is a powerful tournament battle against Michupa in which we both send similar lineups on the field, this is driven by the ruleset, the mana, the splinters allowed and the combination of rulesets.

    • Mycelic Slipspawn is my tank because it has a very high life and that's very important.

    • Magi of Chaos is more than just for his life, it's for his tremendous damage that I add him here.

    • Doctor Blight is very important with his Affliction to avoid the healing of his tank, that's where my team breaks the battle.

    • Goblin Psychic will be in charge of keeping my tank alive and also support by doing damage.

    • Spirit Hoarder in case the enemy uses cards with Sneak or as in this case, if there is the Scattershot ruleset, the Triage will help to heal and cancel a bit this ruleset.

    • Queen Mycelia to provide armor in case Melee cards appear.


    Round 2

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    Debo admitir que el Scattershot jugo demasiado a mi favor, el daño de mis cartas estuvo dirigido hacia esas cartas enemigas que tenian vida suficiente para caer, especificamente a Mycelia y el Goblin Psychic, dandome muchisima ventaja en esta batalla en tan solo una ronda, poniendo las cartas 6 a 4, con un tanque que no tenia ganas de caer tan pronto.

    I must admit that the Scattershot ruleset of this battle played too much in my favor, the damage of my cards was directed towards those enemy cards that had enough life to fall, specifically Mycelia and Goblin Psychic, giving me a lot of advantage in this battle in just one round, putting the cards 6 to 4, with a tank that did not want to fall so soon.


    Round 3

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    Ya para este punto no habia mucho mas que hacer o ver, los puntos fuertes de mi equipo estuvieron afincados en Doctor Blight y Spirit Hoarder, dos cartas que se encargaron de anular al enemigo y de anular uno de los rulesets mas complicados de esta batalla.

    At this point there was not much more to do or see, the strengths of my team were based on Doctor Blight and Spirit Hoarder, two cards that were in charge of nullifying the enemy and nullifying one of the most complicated rulesets of this battle.

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    Entender los puntos debiles donde le puedes sacar ventaja a tu enemigo es primordial para convertirte en un buen jugador ¡enfocate en mejorar eso y veras como tu winrate aumentará muchisimo!

    Recuerda que toda carta tiene una utilidad real y siempre podras sacarles ventaja si las estudias y analizas bien los datos que tienes a la mano, Muchas gracias por haber leído y espero que te haya gustado, no olvides seguirme si quieres ver mas contenido como este y nos vemos en mi siguiente post. ¡Saludos!

    Understanding the weak points on battles where you can take advantage of your enemy is essential to become a good player, focus on improving that and you will see how your winrate will increase a lot!

    Remember that every card has a utility in this game and you can always take advantage of them if you study them and analyze well the data you have at hand, Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it, do not forget to follow me if you want to see more content like this and see you in my next post. greetings!


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    All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.

    Gracias por leer.png

    Posted using Splintertalk

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