GapeTacos Original Adult Fiction - text only version

in voilk •  19 days ago

    My name is Royce Lamb…but that won't matter for too long anyway. I was a combat soldier when I was younger, with high markings for riflemanship and physical fitness. A few of the guys in my unit had gone in together and rented an apartment downtown for weekend partying and pretty much, when we weren't training or deployed, we were out drinking and looking to get laid - but this week, things would be turned completely upside-down.

    I woke up on the floor of the apartment, head spinning and aching. In my time as a soldier, hangovers were a regular thing, and this morning was not shaping up to be an exception.

    As I peered through my hazy morning vision and began taking in my surroundings, I noticed something out of the ordinary - there was a girl sleeping on the floor next to me! Her face was round, she was probably bigger, but she had a nice golden tan. She had an old blanket from our couch on her, just barely covering her nipples…her tits were so round and perky and golden, I was instantly infatuated with the details of what lie beneath that old blanket.

    I laid there on the floor next to her, pretending to sleep and paying close attention for any sounds of stirring - intent on being there to catch a glimpse if the blanket slipped off, or if she just woke up and removed it - but I fell asleep, and when I woke up again there was nothing next to me but the blanket. I got up off the floor and picked up the blanket - she had left her phone! I swooped it into my pocket immediately, then meandered around the small apartment to find the rest of the guys; I had to find out what had happened last night.

    I could hear laughter and conversation coming from the kitchen, so I wandered in.

    “What the fuck happened last night?” I asked.

    “Dude, you came back from the bar, apparently you stripped down to nothing outside of Silverado’s and streaked through the bar district back to here. You were dancing on the table, entertaining this girl you’d brought back - you bet her $10 she couldn’t get you hard!”

    “Wait, what?” I was sad I had no memory of this. “Well, did she?”

    “Yeah man, she straight up started sucking you off in front of all of us man, you were hard in like two seconds - and then you laughed and said that was the cheapest blowjob you’d ever gotten! …and then you fell off the table and passed out right there.”

    “What the fuck!!!” I exclaimed - “what happened after that? Anything good?”

    “Dude, yeah shit was fuckin’ wild man! She started cussing you out while you were laying there, talkin’ about how you never gave her any tasty cum to drink up! So I was like, don’t get mad baby, I can help you out with that - and no shit man, she got on her knees and sucked off all five of us that were still awake!”

    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I was so pissed at myself for passing out and missing my chance - but I had her phone, so maybe I’d get a second shot.

    I opened the phone and looked through the contacts. I found one named “Amber - Bestie,” and figured that was a pretty good likelihood, so I called the number.

    “Hey girl, what’s up! I was worried about you last night - what the hell were you thinking, following that naked guy home last night!?”

    “Uh…hehe…I am the naked guy” I responded. “Your friend left her phone here this morning and I’m hoping to help get it back to her.

    “Oh, wow, so sweet! Tell you what: I’ll call her roommate and get in touch with her that way, and I’ll call you back in a little bit on her phone.”

    I agreed, and we hung up. I was sweating it hard core, I was hungover and horny, and wanted to get inside her any way I could, and as soon as possible. After about a half hour, “Amber - Bestie” called me back and gave me her address.

    "She said you can bring it by any time today."

    I thanked her and hung up…I was ready to go right now.

    I pulled up to the apartment and knocked on the door. Her roommate answered. He was thin with mocha colored skin and medium height, and his demeanor lead me to suspect he was gay. He looked me up and down, making no effort to hide his disapproval…he was clearly not impressed. I got the feeling she had a lot of gentleman callers. He pointed down the hall.

    “She’s the one on the left.” He said over his shoulder as he moved back to his spot on the couch.

    I tapped her door gently three times with the corner of her phone, and after a moment I heard what sounded like someone sitting up and getting out of bed. She opened the door, took her phone from my hand, grabbed a fistful of my tee shirt and pulled me into the room, closing the door behind me.

    She smiled and batted her eyes. “I have no idea how to thank you! I was worried I’d lost it for good” she said as she palmed the back of my head and rubbed in a circular motion. I kissed her, gently at first, but with more tongue when she didn’t protest. She was not all dolled up like she had been when I last saw her; she was in a silky night gown and her hair was messy…pretty sure she’d come home and gone back to bed, and that I had woken her.

    I grabbed a pinch of her night gown and hiked it up over her hips, then slid both hands up to feel those beautiful round golden tits. She liked it, and began breathing heavier. She let out a little shriek of pleasure when I took her by the waist, turned her away from me and pushed her onto the bed. She must have been used to guys just wanting to get right in and fuck, because she was so surprised and excited when I buried my face in her ass cheeks and shoved my tongue into her asshole as far as it could go. I flicked my tongue around inside her asshole while I alternated between spanking her ass and squeezing her tits with both hands. I migrated my face slightly downward, burying my nose in her asshole while I licked and slurped her wet pussy, drinking down all the juice I could get from it until I couldn’t take it any more. I flipped onto her back so her wet pussy flowed down into her ass crack and worked two fingers into her asshole while I tongued her sweet pussy - the whole scene was absolutely drenched with her sweet pussy-smelling juices. I worked my fingers in and out of her asshole, taking large mouthfuls of pussy and just sucking the ever loving fuck out of it as she writhed under the workings of my horny tongue.

    This continued for at least two orgasms, and finally I flipped her back on all fours and shoved my throbbing little dick into her prepared asshole and proceeded to fucking pound that ass into oblivion. As my own orgasm approached, I laid my body on her back and wrapped my arms around her, clenching a fistful of tit and nipple in each hand. I slammed my cock in and out of her ass a few more times before burying my load deep in her rectum, and then I laid there on top of her, my softening cock was still lodged up her ass as she lay face down, sprawled out and fucked into a puddle. She let out a deep fart when I rolled over and popped out of her, and I soaked it in, enjoying the smell and watching my cum ooze out of her mildly gaped ass. I took two fingers as she lay there, and swirled and spread the cum around her ass crack, sliding my fingers in and out of her cum-lubricated ass. “I’ve never been fucked in the ass before” she said, “and I’m not sure I ever will again” she smiled at me, looking exhausted and sweaty - "you're not exactly hung, but that still hurt quite a bit!" She laughed and stroked my cock gently, like she was petting a cat.

    I looked around the room for the first time since I’d gotten there. It was mostly a mess of clothing and shoes, and a few wigs on a vanity covered with lipsticks, nail polishes and other makeup stuff. “Sometimes I like to wear a wig, it feels fun”…she must have noticed me looking at the vanity, but she wasn’t bashful about it. She got up, and cum ran down the back parts of her inner thighs. She moved over to the vanity, put her flowing brown locks up in a high pony tail, and tucked them into a platinum blonde wig…damn, this was one sexy fat girl - seeing my seed oozing out of her ass and down her legs made me want more, so I took her again - I wiped my dick off with a wet wipe and fucked her pussy until it too was oozing cum.

    After I had filled her pussy with hot cum, she reached down and scooped up a handful of it and smeared it in her mouth and all over her lips - she laughed and smiled.

    "God, I just love the taste of cum!"

    …and then she tongue kissed me. I was repulsed at first, but as she flicked her cum-covered tongue against mine, I realized to my surprise that this was turning me on!

    I licked her mouth clean, and when that was done, I went down and ate her ass and pussy. I licked all the shitty cum from her thighs and cleaned her up completely…this was unexpected to say the least!

    Although bitter isn't exactly the right word to describe the taste, it's honestly the closest descriptor I can think of. I noticed that it seemed to coat my mouth and tongue, it seemed almost like it was penetrating into my flesh…it was a strange sensation, and at the time I didn't feel embarrassed to admit that I liked it. We laid beside one another on our backs, looking up at the ceiling, both sweaty and exhausted.

    “I wanna do that thing we did the other night again; that thing we did after you fell asleep…do you know what I’m talking about?”

    “Yeah, I know what you’re talking about and I can definitely make that happen” I said, getting hard all over again at the thought of my first actual gang bang. At this point my cock had been milked and throbbing for so long it ached - and I loved the pain.

    “Give me your number and I’ll call you when I’ve got something lined up. Oh yeah, and what’s your name???”

    “Brandy” she said, and proceeded to give me her number.

    I left her apartment, taking the walk of shame past her now unquestionably disapproving roommate, got in my truck and headed back to base. Once I was on the highway I immediately starting calling the guys, and by the time I was back at the barracks I had ten good men with hard cocks ready to team-fuck sweet Brandy; we set the date for next Saturday, and I called her to let her know.

    “Eleven guys, including myself, all ready to work you over this Saturday - are you still up for it?”

    “Oh God! I’m so wet just thinking about it!” She eagerly replied. She clarified again that she did not want to do anal again, adding that she had a lot of fun with me, but her asshole was so sore from the pounding she just wanted dicks in her mouth and pussy.

    That week seemed to take forever. All I could think about was big golden titted Brandy and the forthcoming gangbang. It felt like the day would never come, but finally it did.

    Brandy arrived at the apartment around 8:00 PM. She had two bottles of wine and was wearing the blonde wig she’d worn when I fucked her pussy. All made up, she really was a sexy chick, and even sexier when I thought about how far she was willing to take things. I tried to get her clothes off the moment she came in the door.

    “Slow down baby boy” she said teasingly as she popped a cork and took a big swig straight from the bottle - “let’s hang out for a few minutes first.” She sat down in a chair and drank a few more swigs. I was starting to wonder if she was nervous or having second thoughts…now that she was the only girl in a room with eleven men, I was worried she might be intimidated.

    “Alright boys, lemme see those dicks!” She perkily exclaimed with a laugh. Slowly at first and then all at once, dicks started coming out. Jordan was first to show, then Murphy and Rodriguez, then it was everyone. She kneeled in the middle as we circled around her, and graciously moved around the circle, sucking every cock in the room with passion and zeal. This went on for maybe ten minutes before Ryerson shoved her down onto all fours and began working his way into her pussy.

    She rotated periodically like the hands of a clock, taking dicks in her mouth and pussy and spinning to give everyone a chance. When she spun her ass towards me, I couldn’t resist the urge to bury my face in it again. I took a deep smell and licked her asshole while she sucked all the cocks she could, and finally pressed my cock into her teeming wet pussy. I fucked for only a few pumps before spanking her ass and sending her down the line.

    We fucked her for what must have been an hour - probably more - each of us taking short turns, except for her of course. A few of the guys couldn’t take it; Hernandez pulled out and sprayed cum all over her back and Stevens, Lee and Garcia blew their loads inside her. Garcia just left when he was done, but Hernandez, Stevens and Lee stayed to fuck some more, so we were down to nine, with no end in sight.

    “Oh my God!” She exclaimed - “my pussy is getting so sore I think I need a short break.”

    “Why don’t you let us fuck your ass then?” I asked, only half joking. She looked up at me and smiled deviously. She stood up and pressed her body against mine, her warm tits smashing against my chest. She scooped the mixed loads of cum from her pussy as she had done with mine before, but this time, she smeared it in my mouth and all over my lips before she tongue fucked my mouth. She smiled at me with an excited twinkle in her eyes.

    “One sec” she said, and flitted out to the living room where we’d first been sitting. Her titties bounced and swung as she jogged excitedly out of the room. The guys all made fun of me while she was gone. “Dude! You just ate our cum!” "Yeah man HAHAHA - how'd my dick taste?" I felt so embarrassed, I just stayed quiet and wiped my mouth with my forearm.

    Brandy came back in, still naked but carrying her purse, and walked over to me. She took off the blonde wig and shook out her gorgeous brown locks, then crowned me with her wig. Before I could protest, she rummaged through her purse and retrieved a tube of light blue eye shadow - and began putting it on me!

    “You're looking pretty!" she said in a way that was both condescending and sweet. "Now eat my pussy, pretty girl” she said coyly, “and then we’ll get you some lipstick."

    “What are you doing???” I asked in a hushed whisper, terrified and exasperated.

    “I may have bitten off more than I can chew, so I’m gonna need a partner down here. Now EAT.”

    Smith and Macklin chimed in - “Dude, you actually look kinda hot with that wig on - I gotta see the lipstick - would you hurry up and eat it!?” "Yeah dude, eat that shit!"

    Brandy laid on her back and I lowered myself onto all fours and began slurping up mouthful after mouthful of pussy juice and cum, swallowing it all up even as I wondered in my mind what the fuck I was doing. Ryerson and Stevens lowered themselves into the prone position so they could angle their cocks into her mouth. She stroked and sucked cocks as I licked her pussy clean. My ass was up in the air as I tried to posture myself in the best position to suck her cum-filled pussy, and some of the guys started spanking me. My face was buried so deep in her crotch I have no idea who it was, but my protesting and questioning slowly faded as I realized I was liking this, even beginning to crave for it to go further. I could never admit it, but something deep inside me wanted them to work me over. I ate the cum and tried not to let on how much I was liking it.

    She took hold of my head, gently grabbing me by my jaw and pulling me up so I was laying on her belly with my face in her tits. She continued sucking Macklin's dick while she put lipstick on me.

    She let Macklin's cock break loose from her tight lips. “There” she said, “Now I have a slut friend to help me milk these cocks. And it’s perfect! Since you seem to think butt fucking is such a viable solution, surely you won’t mind helping me out by giving your ass up to the cause!”

    I was stunned, scared, and excited - but I had to resist…I didn't come here looking to get ass-fucked, and I sure as hell didn't want the guys thinking I did. The thought of fucking other boys with my asshole had never crossed my mind!

    “What!? Ok this has gone far enough” I said “I don’t think anyone came here to fuck me tonight.”

    “I don’t know man, you look pretty cute with all that shit on, I’d hit it!” Smith said, laughing and twirling my new hair in his fingers.

    She grabbed me by my armpits and pulled me up, lifting my head off of her tits and pulling my cock into her. I shuddered from the warm wetness. Fucking her felt so good!!! Now Lee and Murphy's cocks were right in my face as she sucked them. She popped Lee's dick out of her mouth and turned it towards mine.

    “Go on” she said, “it’s easy!”

    One of the guys pushed my head from behind and Lee's cock smashed right up against my lips. Wet pussy juice and precum smeared across my closed mouth as I continued to resist. Brandy saw me holding out. She held his big dick by the base and slapped my face with it a few times playfully, then rubbed the tip around my lips in a circular motion.

    “Open up baby, they’ll take care of the rest.”

    I scanned the faces of my comrades, looking for anyone willing to help me out, but instead of helping, they started chanting “SUUUCK IT! SUUUCK IT!! SUUUCK IT!!!”

    I opened my mouth and took Lee's cock between my lips. This was so embarrassing - Lee was the only guy in our unit who could consistently beat me at the firing range. He never let me live it down, and now I had his cock in my mouth! My hard little penis was still buried all the way inside her pussy but no longer pumping, just throbbing and pulsating in the warm socket. I heard someone spit behind me, then I felt a hard spanking followed by a wet finger going up my ass.

    She pulled me out of her. “I think you’re ready now baby girl” she said with that devious smile and rolled out from under me, leaving me on my hands and knees with a finger in my ass and Lee's cock in my mouth. After a few seconds of fingering my ass, whoever was back there decided to step it up. I felt the large head of a cock press against my asshole. I looked back to see who it was…it was Macklin.

    With every passing moment, Macklin increased the pressure. He was clenching fistfuls of my tight flesh at my waist and pulling me towards him. I could feel my asshole opening for him - it hurt SO BAD!!! I wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t speak because Lee's cock was forced up against my tonsils and Macklin still had both hands firmly gripping my waist, allowing me no wiggle room to break away from his throbbing dick, and no way to voice protest. Jordan and Ryerson were on either side of me, and they started rubbing their dicks on my back. I heard Brandy moaning furiously beside me - she had resumed the position next to me and was satisfying the remaining five guys. Macklin gave one final push, and he was all the way inside me. The pain was gone now and I felt a pleasure I’d never known before, but just as I began to enjoy it, Lee rammed his cock fully down my throat. He was forcing my head down with both hands, trying to get his cock even deeper down my throat. "Now I'm starting to wonder if you've been letting me beat you at the range because you want to be dominated by me!" He joked. He was enjoying this way too much, which repulsed me - but what was worse was how much I was enjoying it…was he right? My nose was smashed into his pubic hair, his balls pressed firmly against my chin. I couldn’t breathe, and I was starting to think I might die like this - filled with cock from both ends - when suddenly he let go and pulled out. I vomited a little on the floor and they all cheered - Lee shoved his cock right back down my throat before I could even take a breath.

    “Yeah baby girl, you’re a fuckin’ natural!” Macklin slapped my ass hard as he kept thrusting and pounding my aching little asshole.

    Lee pulled his fat cock out of my throat once more to slap my face with it. I took a deep breath just in time, and he shoved his dick right back down my throat. Now he was literally fucking my face, pounding in and out. I gagged and wretched with each thrust, vomit and stringy thick saliva spilling openly at this point as Macklin continued pounding away furiously.

    “Come on man, let someone else get their dick wet bro!” I heard Jordan say as he was anxiously rubbing his cock on my back. Tears were streaming down my face as the man to my front took a few more pumps down my throat. The tears were mostly caused from the throat fucking action, but I believe I also was crying from sheer humiliation. Macklin and Lee pulled out and made way for the other two to get in there, but of course Lee had to wipe his soaking wet cock off on my face and in my wig before stepping away. As they switched, I looked over at Brandy. She was riding Murphy's cock and Hernandez was shoved in with it from the back, filling her pussy in a way I couldn’t even imagine. She was jerking off and sucking Rodriguez, Stevens and Smith - moaning passionately with complete abandon as she did so. She looked over at me.

    "I think you're new name is Rochelle!" she teased, her tits gyrating as the two men simultaneously beat her pussy.

    I finally lost all will to resist…I no longer wanted so badly to fuck her…now I wanted to be her.

    I embraced my role as Brandy’s gangbang sidekick, Rochelle, and began sucking and fucking like a true whore. I loved it!!! I loved the sensation of my stretching asshole and Jordan's fat cock buried deep within it. I loved the taste of Ryerson's precum filling my mouth with each pump. I started riding the cock and jerking off Lee and Macklin. I lost all sense of shame and all show of resistance - all I wanted now was to make them cum. I wanted to feel it, to smell it, to taste it! I became insatiable, craving more and more cock as I realized the men were enjoying me.

    I began alternating sucking all three of the cocks that surrounded me, licking the drops of precum from their tips before ramming them down my own throat. Vomit, saliva and tears ran down my body in a continuous flow, and it was turning me on immensely. I rubbed their cocks all over my face, licking and sucking them passionately until finally I heard the call:

    “Oh God, I’m gonna fucking CUM!!!”

    It was Macklin. I took just the head of his cock into my mouth. I didn’t want him to cum straight down my throat because I knew then I wouldn’t get to taste it. I sucked that big fat head like a lollipop, working my tongue around it in slow circles while I jerked his shaft and cupped his balls. Pinching my nipples and softly slapping my face, he exploded into my mouth with thick hot spurts of cum, pumping one after another until my mouth was over flowing. I swallowed it all, and wiped up the extra that had spilled out with a finger so I could suck it clean. "You fucked my ass so good baby," I moaned in a soft, feminine voice. Getting fucked like this had made my voice turn girly! I moaned like a whore, and it sent a shudder through my body.

    I think this made the other guys want to bust their nuts into my mouth as well, because when Macklin stepped out of the way and went off to sleep, Jordan and Ryerson rammed their cocks carelessly into my mouth at the same time while Lee pressed his dickhead into my eyes and face, taunting me with it. Probably finding that initial thrust a bit toothy, they quickly switched to alternating one throat fuck at a time. I took a cock in each hand, and then put them together. I jerked both at the same time, rubbing them against one another and licking and sucking the heads in an alternating loop - but that only lasted for a second or two, and they both went back to taking turns shoving their thick long hard cocks down my throat. Lee leaned down and pressed his face against the side of mine. "I know you want me, bitch," he whispered in my ear. He laid on the floor beside me and motioned for me to climb aboard. Without breaking stride in my cocksucking, I swung my right leg over his body, bumping his erect hardon as it passed over. He slid down beneath me and kissed my ass cheeks, then tongued my asshole. I took advantage of my opportunity, and smashed my asshole down onto his face and mouth, writhing back and forth and smearing my gape all across his face. A steady flow of precum leaked from my throbbing little dinky, creating a rope that lead down to a pool on his sternum. I scooped it up and began jerking him off with it, and finally took a short break from Ryerson and Jordan to bend down and suck him clean. I had never really cared much for Lee; his arrogance and cockiness just rubbed me the wrong way - but something changed when he ate my ass and let me ride his face…all of a sudden he was the one I wanted most intensely. I jerked and sucked his cock while Jordan and Ryerson masturbated and rubbed their cocks all over my body. I played with his balls and sucked him, taking the full length of his cock down my throat until I felt it twitching - then I backed it out so I could taste him. Hot cum hit the back of my throat and fell out of my mouth, running all over his cock and balls. I licked and sucked him clean as he continued to suffocate under my insatiable ass. I assumed he would be done now, but he lifted me off his face and threw me down to ride his cock!!!

    I rode him gratefully, working his dick in and out of my asshole. It only hurt now at the end of each thrust, as his rock hard cock punched against my stomach from within me…I liked the pain, and rode harder and faster, desperately penetrating myself to the deepest possible extent. Jordan and Ryerson took advantage of my freed up hands and mouth, and went straight back to reaming my throat tag-team style.

    Brandy was still working three with her mouth and hands, with two buried in her sore red pussy. She was on all fours now, still riding the one beneath her and taking the second one from behind, when out of nowhere and in perfect unison, Murphy and Hernandez both came deep inside her. She moaned as the hot cum filled her inner pussy, and slowly let them fall out of her. They too went off to sleep on the couches around us. Brandy and I had six men left, still showing no signs of tiring.


    "Yes mommy?" I moaned - half cried - in between fits of gagging and wretching from the cocks in my throat and grunting from being fucked up the ass. My eyes burned and my voice oscillated from the vibration of being fucked from below.

    "I need you to take a break from your friends over there and come help clean me up please. You're doing such a good job my sweet girl!"

    Jordan's cock made a popping sound when I let it out of my mouth - I just didn't want to stop sucking! I climbed up off of Lee and caressed the bottom side of his dick with a gentle stroke and played the tip with a finger. I pulled up a long string of sticky precum and brought it to my mouth, smiling at him as he lay there throbbing for a second orgasm. His cock left a void inside me that ached to be filled. I had to know what it felt like down there, so I reached down and put two fingers up my ass…they barely even touched the edges of my asshole! I went up to four fingers, and they slid in with utter ease…but they couldn't get deep enough to satisfy me. I brought my left hand down and put in four more! I pulled my asshole open with both hands as I walked around her splayed legs. She rolled onto her back and opened her legs up wide. I positioned myself between her legs and fell to my knees, still holding my asshole open with both hands. Lee came up from behind me and pulled my arms out wide, allowing me to lower myself slowly down to eat. He was fucking me deeply before I had even gotten my hands onto the floor, causing me to fall forward. I caught myself just as my face was reaching her cunt. I looked closely at it. I was beet red and gaping, with semen pooled up inside and slowly running down over her asshole…icing on the cake. I kissed her beaten pussy tenderly a few times, now having a better understanding of just how sore that hole must be, then I started cleaning up her asshole. I licked and sucked up the cum and sweat from her ass crack and worked my way up to her pussy. I pursed my lips together like a short straw and pressed them as far into her gaped cunny hole as they could go, then sucked out the mixed cum - I was astonished by the sheer volume! My mouth filled and I swallowed, but more just flowed in to replace the pool. I rubbed my cock on her hole and sucked her beautiful perfect nipples, but she rolled me off of her turned me onto my back, carelessly popping Lee's cock out of my ass.

    Unphased by the change, he lifted my legs and moved my balls out of the way. Pinning my dick and nuts to my abdomen with his right hand, he used is left hand to guide his cock back up into my ass and proceed to fuck me twice as hard as he already had been. I thought to myself, I think seeing and touching my little girl cock put him into savage mode! I was thrilled to be seen and touched in that way. Brandy turned around and sat on my face, my nose pressed into her asshole as the remaining cum drained out of her gape and into my mouth. I swallowed continuously, catching little gasps of air when I could. She rotated through sucking the other five while she finished draining out down my throat, and once she was satisfied that it was all gone, she leaned forward onto her hands and knees above me.

    Rodriguez worked his legs in between hers and laid on his forearms above me, thrusting his cock into my mouth and down my throat. Stevens over him and fucked Brandy's freshly cleaned cunny hole while Ryerson, Jordan and Smith masturbated and rubbed their cocks against our naked bodies. Lee pulled me out from under Brandy and Rodriguez - I was excited to think he wanted me to himself, even if only for a second. Brandy rolled over into my spot, sliding her face under Rodriguez' cock and taking it into her mouth. Lee whispered in my ear "Titty fuck this bitch, baby, titty fuck her."

    I did as I was told straddling her belly and pressing her tits together with my dick in between them. Ryerson told me to open them up, so I did. As I held her tits apart with my little girl cock resting between them, he fucked my throat for five solid pumps, and then pulled out and came all over my penis. "You're welcome, bitch," he scruffed up my hair and shoved his tongue down my throat before stepping a few feet away to sleep on the floor. I pressed her cum-lubed tits together and worked my dick in and out of her cleavage.

    Lee came up behind me, his cock rested for a moment on my shoulder, but then I felt it sliding down my back as he kneeled to straddle Brandy's belly behind me. His cock was now in my ass crack, slipping and sliding as I humped her tits. He inched closer to me, and it just easily slipped right back up my asshole. Lee remained stationary as I fucked Brandy's tits and worked my ass on his cock with one smooth back and forth riding motion. Rodriguez stood up from his forearm plank, pulling his cock from deep inside Brandy's throat, and squatted over her face. "eat my ass, you fucking slut" he demanded. I couldn't suck his cock and fuck her tits, but it was just there floating right above mine, so I started jerking him off and bringing strings of his precum to my mouth. Jordan came up behind Lee and forced himself into Brandy's bright red pussyhole. She yelped with pain, but then began to stifle out muffled moans under the pressure Rodriguez' ass on her face.

    Smith and Stevens were taking turns fucking my throat and Rodriguez blasted a huge load into Brandy's cleavage. I continued jerking him off as rope after rope of hot cum shot onto my cock resting between her tits. He moved off of Brandy's face and ran his cock over her mouth sideways, and she offered a welcoming tongue to grace his shaft. After a moment of this, Rodriguez went and slept in the bathtub and Stevens moved in to lay his cock in Brandy's mouth while Jordan shouted "OH FFFUUUUUUUUCK!!!!," burying a fat load deep in her pussy. I continued humping back and forth, pumping my dick between her cum-filled tits and working Lee's dick up my ass. He held my waist and guided my movements as Brandy sucked Stevens' cock and Smith moved in to fuck her raw pussy.

    After some time, Stevens turned around and straddled Brandy's face. He shoved his cock down her cleavage from the top and pulsed it back and forth. I could feel it rubbing up and down the length of my little dick. He picked up speed and finally backed it off so our tips were kissing, then sprayed hot cum all over the head of my cock! Thick ropes, load after load, he must have loosed 3 ounces of pure cum into the situation. Lee pulled out of me and stood up. "It's ok babe, I know you can't resist that feast." He was right. I spun around and straddled Brandy from the top down, my cum-soaked penis became entangled in her hair. I spread her tits apart and slurped the massive pool of jizz - I could feel it going up my nose it was so deep. I snorted it back and swallowed it before licking up the scraps. Then I pulled forward to lick her clit while Smith worked his cock slowly in and out…I could tell he was trying to make it last as long as he could.

    Brandy took my cock into her mouth as I licked her clit, and Lee plunged once again deep into my throbbing asshole. Smith pulled his cock out of Brandy's cunt, and I sucked her hole for any latent juices that might have built up in there before taking his cock deep into my throat. He fucked my face slowly and gently for a few strokes, and then went back up in her pussy. I could feel Lee slowing down. His thrusts were still forceful and powerful, but they were considerably slowed down from before…he was getting close and trying to frag it out as much as he could - and I was grateful for the effort…he felt SO GOOD, sliding in and out of me so slowly and firmly. At the end of each slow stroke, he through in a short but solid jab, each one sent me reeling.

    "I'm gonna fucking CUUUUUM!!!" Smith shouted uncontrollably. He pulled out of Brandy's battered cunt and flopped his monster cock onto my waiting tongue. I closed my lips and sucked hard on his head to receive his load fully.

    He came in several large bursts, and I swallowed eagerly after each one, and then licked and played with his cock until he flopped backwards and passed out on the floor. I resumed sucking Brandy's cunt as Lee continued his slow pump. Finally he slapped my ass hard and jaunted around to jerk off onto her pussy. "Here you go, baby, I know you like the mixed flavors" he said, as he shot rope after rope of hot cum into her slit. I moaned with excitement and lapped it up.

    Lee had finished, but he didn't leave yet. He sat on the floor with his legs bent and his knees up, watching intently as Brandy and I sixty-nined. We were both moaning in soft feminine tones, and finally she stopped me after she came and squirted into my mouth. I drank all of her juice down. My body was convulsing and shaking. How had I not cum yet??? I had been pretty reserved about my movements, I knew I wouldn't want to be in this humiliating situation after I'd ejaculated, but still I was impressed that I'd managed to be the last holdout.

    "I've got one last thing for you" she said. She rose up off the floor and bent down to reach into her purse. Her tits dangled and hung, jiggling as she rooted through the large handbag until at last she stood up and pulled a gargantuan strap-on from her purse. "You fucked my ass, now you know I have to fuck yours" she whispered in my ear. "Baby girl's gonna need some support for this, and she seems quite taken with you…would you mind?" She asked Lee.

    Lee nodded and smiled. He laid down on his back with his knees up and his legs spread, and motioned for me to lay my face on his cock. I complied, wrapping my arms around his thighs and licking all around his ball sack and dick. I could hear the tinkering sound of the buckles as she adjusted the straps and tightened them around her waist and thighs. I squirmed and writhed as she slowly started working the gigantic beast up inside me. Lee must have sensed my struggle because he grabbed my head with both hands and forced my face down into his body. I was completely helpless to fight against him, and Brandy was not letting up. She continued to apply pressure until the unholy monster broke into me completely.

    "I think she's drying out" she told Lee. "Do you think you could give me one more sweet load to wet her up?" Lee laughed. "Sure thing girl, I'd hate to see baby suffering." He slid his cock up into my mouth and down my throat. This time he wasn’t trying to make it last. With the head of his cock somewhere beyond my tonsils, he furiously worked his shaft. His fist kept bumping up against my lips as he worked hard to make one last show. As he got closer, he stood up and gently set his dick into her mouth. She never broke stride as she sucked him for every last drop, then dribbled his cum out onto my fully gaped asshole. Sweet relief! His cum lubricated my ass and allowed me to settle in and enjoy the massive silicone monster cock in my ass. She must have done this before, because she knew exactly how to hit my spot. Lee had returned to the floor beneath me, I could feel his drained cock twitching against my face as she rubbed my insides with her insane toy. Lee was holding my hands above my head as she pounded away at me, but even with no attention being paid to my cock, I could feel a different kind of orgasm building and swelling up inside me. She brought her thrusts to a slow, and focused on hitting that spot deep inside me, and the orgasm built to a full explosion. I pissed enough cum to compete with a horse. It spurted out of me in an onslaught of continuous bursts as she continued to pummel that sweet spot deep within me, until finally she paused. She smacked my ass as I lay there trembling on all fours with a serious pool of cum below me, and then slowly retracted from my asshole. The feeling was unlike anything I'd ever known before, I'd never cum so hard in all my life. I shuddered when the last inch of her beast fell out of me, and she lifted it up and humped and slid it up and down my back for a few moments as I tried to regain some semblance of consciousness. What the fuck just happened here tonight? I thought. Now that I had cum, I felt very eager to hide myself away in shame. The pleasure was over and reality was setting in. I'm going to have to go back to work with these guys! Are they going to say anything? I mean, I can always deny it I guess, right? I can't believe how much jizz I drank! Oh God, what have I done??? I was reeling. Thoughts were flying through my mind at breakneck pace and now I wanted nothing to do with dicks or cum or any of it, anything other than pussy.

    I slumped down into a battered pile on the floor, avoiding my pool of jizz as I laid myself down and hoping to sleep and forget this had ever happened.

    "What do you think you are you doing?" Lee's voice broke my train of thoughts.

    "Fuck off man, I'm just trying to sleep." I responded.

    "You better clean up your mess baby girl" He said softly but firmly. I looked up and he was smiling at me. He nudged his head towards the cold pool of semen on the floor. "I'm not fucking kidding girl, I wanna see you clean it up."

    Brandy ran her hand up and down my back, rubbing me gently. She laid my head in her lap. It smelled like cum and pussy…against my judgement, my cock twitched with excitement.

    "It's ok Rochelle, the first time is the hardest. Soon you'll be so comfortable with all this, you won't even feel ashamed anymore. You'll miss the shame when it's gone honestly, and you'll probably do more and more disgusting things just to feel it again." She rubbed my head and played with my long blonde hair. "But your friend is right, you do need to clean up your mess."

    I raised my aching body onto all fours and crawled over to the cold puddle. I looked up at Lee one last time to see him smiling and deviously waiting to watch my final humiliation. I began slurping and sucking the cold thick fluid off of the floor when I heard Garcia's laugh. "I got the whole thing baby girl!" He chuckled as I slurped and licked up the last bits off of the floor. What the fuck is he talking about? I thought. I looked over where his voice was coming from, and saw him pointing a phone at me. OH SHIT!!!! Garcia had been the first one to finish, I thought he'd gone to bed! It turned out, he'd only gone to take a piss, and when he came back he decided to film us. He'd captured the whole ordeal! I heard all the phones in the apartment dinging with text notifications at once, mine as well. He'd uploaded the video and sent us all the link! God, please don't share this with the whole unit! I thought.

    Lee was laying on the floor, rewatching the action before going to bed. "I don't think we're going to have to hunt pussy at the bars for a while, girl." He reached over and rubbed Brandy's tits…the same tits that had gotten me in all this trouble in the first place…"can she keep the wig?" he asked her. Playing with her pussy and licking her fingers, she looked at me and saw the tangled cummy mess of hair on my head…"Yeah, she can keep it" she said sweetly. "You can wash it with regular shampoo if you want, although I won't be surprised if you like the way it smells too much now" she laughed.

    I smiled. For the first time since she finished me off, I allowed myself to be pleased with what I had done. I felt fulfilled and satisfied - and oddly, I felt proud of myself for doing such a good job as her floor partner. I cuddled up against her naked body like a child, she big spooned me as I drifted off, still wearing the makeup and wig.

    The next morning, I awoke to a few of the guys demanding follow-up blow jobs. In that moment, it just felt like old hat…I took care of everyone who wanted it, with no hesitation. Lee watched and smiled as I sat in Brandy's embrace and pleased them all once more. After they were satisfied, everyone cleared out and headed back to base - except for Brandy and Lee, who stayed and helped me clean myself up. It felt so nice to be taken care of like that, Lee spoke softly to me as he cleaned off my makeup with a wet wipe and Brandy lay on her stomach, licking my little penis clean. I felt so excited to have made new friends, and as Brandy left to go back to her apartment, she stopped at the door.

    "Ok Royce, thank you for putting this together, and for helping out! Think anyone will want to do this again next weekend?"

    "We're always around…until we're not…" Lee replied. "As long as we're not deployed or in the field, we'll be here. You have earned yourself an honorary place in the Redhawks troop…drop by any time."

    "Awww, you boys are so sweet! …and I've got a few surprises left for you…"

    She kissed us both and closed the door behind her. I looked through the window as she got in her car and left.

    "One hell of a chick you found, man" Lee said to me. I wasn't sure if he meant Brandy, or the girl they dragged out of me last night. I opted not to get clarification.

    "Need a ride back to base for PT?" he asked.

    "Yeah, if you don't mind I really don't feel like driving right now. Think I'll just leave my truck here until next weekend."

    As we passed my truck to get to Lee's car, I opened it up and shoved the wig behind the bench seat. I locked it up and closed it, and followed Lee to his car. I watched the replay Garcia had uploaded as we drove back to base, and had leaked a three inch stain through my pants by the time we got to the barracks…it was time to change for PT.

    The ten guys who knew what had happened treated me very gently on the way to the PT field, like I was a lady. It was subtle enough not to garner unwanted attention, but I noticed it. Our platoon sergeant called me out for pull-ups.

    "Lamb! Get out here, front and center! Show everyone what you've got - unless of course you wanna sit there like a cocksucker!"

    Lee slapped my ass as I stood up out of the grass - go get 'em babe! He said jokingly. I blushed as I walked sorely across the field to the pull-up bar, and those who knew, tried not to react. It looked like my secret was safe for now.

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