My Fatherhood Journey | A Journey of Personal Development and Unconditional Love

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Bringing a new life into this world is one of the greatest blessings that one can receive. The feeling of being a parent is truly remarkable- it is filled with joy, love, challenges, wonder, responsibilities, and priceless moments.


    photography by @gohenry edited in canva

    I can still vividly remember the day that I first held my child, it was full of awe, love, happiness, and a bit of nervousness. There was an unexplainable sense of connection and realization of a new beginning in my life. This is it, this is what I’ve been dreaming of, to be a father.


    The first week of being a parent was a repetition of changing diapers and rocking the baby to sleep. Yes, it was exhausting and chaotic but the feeling of seeing my child smiles at me for the first, witnessing her first step, hearing her first word, and feeding her first food were priceless moments that I won’t ever trade for anything in this world. It’s an overwhelming feeling of pride and gratitude.


    As a first time parent, there are really times that you will question your capacity as a father. There are lots of fears and doubts. Fears if I am doing the right thing as a father to my child and doubts if I will be able to give my child a bright future. But I am thankful that I have parents whom I can seek advice and guidance. There were always supportive and helpful so I can be the best father to my baby.


    Fatherhood became a journey of self-improvement and self-discovery for me. I discovered a new side of me as a father- never ending patience, selflessness and resiliency. This chapter in my life is a process of transformation to be the best version not just as a father but also as an individual. Moreover, I am looking forward for the endless adventures that await me as I continue to learn with my child and embrace the joy and challenges of being a father with an open heart.


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