The Sport Festival with My Kids

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Extracurricular activities are one project many schools in my country have come to embrace, and my kid's school isn't exempt from this move. Lots of talents are being nurtured through these activities and in the early stages of the child's life. Due to the fee involved, the school usually makes it optional for students, but many parents, including me, will always subscribe termly due to the impacts it makes on my kid's life. Aside from the biannual inter-house sports festival held three days ago in their school, every Friday has been dedicated to a talent hunt, and I am indeed impressed with the performances of most of the students so far, including my growing-up kids, who have taken their position in the desired skills they have an interest in.


    That's my son in red, drumming with other kids as the students do their march pass.

    This year's sports festival was unique. It's the second time the school is hosting such an event. The last two years were their first experiences, and this time around the activities got better with extraordinary experiences by both the parents and the students. I couldn't have covered the whole sport's activities in the video; otherwise, the video would be too lengthy. However, in the video, you will experience the dance skills of different teams and see how the students demonstrated their amazing skills. Who knows, they could nurture an international dancer from the school. It was such a colorful session that got parents entertained and proud to watch our kids perform excellently.


    From the video, I also covered the march pass from a few teams. Watching how the commander instructs the students and how they uniformly take action was super exciting. The little babies aren't left out of the game. There was a slipper race for them. A game where the babies wear oversized slippers and run to the finish line—haha, it was fun to watch. I also captured the filling in the bottle game, this one with my son. They tested how fast each of them could fill an empty bottle with water from a distance. We all admired a child who didn't want to give up when his bottle fell twice and he had to refill it. We admired his resilience; he didn't bother to stop doing the task to the end, even when others had submitted theirs. His actions convey a lot of messages to the audience. It doesn't matter if others have reached a particular level before you; just work at your pace until you achieve your goals. The encouragement and cheers from the parents and the audience made the session so exciting that even as the kids made some mistakes in the game, they all joined. I couldn't stop laughing when the kids were to dress themselves in native attire;, you can alson find it in the video, and that's where I ended the coverage.


    There were varied sports activities by the kids that I didn't cover, like the relay race where the kids demonstrated teamwork, the high jump, the sack race, aiming the basket, and lots more. The school also invited students from other schools for a friendly competition. It did add spice to the event; the representatives from other schools were given a gift after the event.

    Do you know that feeling of watching your child emerge as a winner in a game? Awww, the feeling is extraordinary. I had so many butterflies in my belly as I watched my second son emerge as one of the winners in the basket game.


    Parents, on the other hand, made the sports festival so lively by participating in the 100-meter race, the march pass vs. dance session, and the tug of war game that happened between mummies and daddies. Oh no, I usually laugh out my worries watching the video where we mothers drag the daddies to the ground. The daddies couldn't withstand our population, and it did make us mothers win the game. To say that I was excited all through the event is an understatement. I did have a great day, participated actively in the parents sports, and won myself a beautiful bedspread.



    Overall, it was a fun-filled event for both the kids and the parents. The presence of the parents and our enthusiasm made the event memorable for everyone involved.

    Finally, I commend every parent who is always there for their kids. Being available for our children on their special day like this goes a long way in encouraging them, showing them support, and making them feel loved. They will always remember that their parents are always available for them. Sometimes what they need is our physical presence, not our monetary support. So cheers to all the proud parents out there doing their parenting duties diligently 🤗

    All images are mine

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