in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hollywood films have always interested me from childhood to adulthood, because for me Hollywood films are the best action films in the world, because the editing also looks real and the film making is also very total and doesn't look like mere editing, the Hollywood film I just watched entitled The Gray Man.

    Synopsis: This film tells the story of the escape of the greatest CIA Agent with the nickname Sierra Six, played by Ryan Gosling who became a fugitive because he kept a very dangerous secret file belonging to a large American agency, and he had to survive the attack. a sadistic mercenary named Hansen who wants to kill him after finding secret files about illegal missions carried out by his superiors.

    What makes this film interesting to watch is because all the stories of each character in the film have continuity with each other, this is also a film full of emotion because each character has to fight for the safety of other people they love and obey.

    The Wist plot at the beginning of the film is very good, making the story of this film even more curious to watch every second, because the main story of this film is how a boss tries to save his name from the mistakes they have made in the past by being willing to sacrifice the life of a child. its innocent fruit.

    It all started in 2003 when a high-ranking CIA official named Donald Vitroy visited a prisoner named Court Gantry in prison to invite him to join as a killer agent at the CIA. Gantry has a background as a young man who killed his own father because his father always tortured him and his brother.

    18 years later, Gantry already has the nickname Sierra Six, he was assigned with his partner Miranda to kill another CIA agent in Thailand named Sierra Four who was about to carry out a dark transaction.

    After successfully killing Four and getting secret files from him, he realized that his superior at the CIA was named Denny Carmichael. From here the crimes of a leader of the CIA organization begin to be shown.

    Watching this film made me even more curious about whether all leaders from various large organizations in the world have the same principles. Because they were chased by sadistic mercenaries hired by Danny Carmichael, Six and Miranda had to become fugitives.

    What makes this film even more emotional is when Six also has to try to save Vitroy's daughter, Claire, because Hansen has made her a hostage.

    The character Six in this film is described as a great fighter, professional and knows revenge. So Miranda, who is always loyal, is by Six's side so that they can continue to survive until this problem is resolved.

    As viewers, we are truly heartbroken by Hansen's cruel actions, which are indiscriminate in killing everyone who he thinks is guilty and useless.

    The film also looks more interesting because the location is always moving, from Thailand, Hong Kong, Croatia to Turkey. This is what makes every image shown in the film look even more interesting, which makes us bored of watching it.

    Throughout the story of this film, it seemed to create a new doctrine in my brain that a CIA class agent could go to any country in the world with unlimited costs. In fact, in my dreams I also thought about what if one day I could become an agent, you can imagine how exciting this film would be when I watched it, so I had dreams like that when I watched it.

    Every immersive tone in the film also makes the audience very comfortable, starting from the voices of each actor when speaking, the sound of blows and even gunshots and other clashing sounds can be heard clearly as if we were seeing events in the film directly in the real world.

    The narrative of this film also depicts a bit of conspiracy from the world of CIA agents and mercenaries which makes me even more convinced that everything that CIA agents do is not all good and there are cunning games, and agents with small ranks are always scapegoated for their own political interests.

    In the end, Six and Miranda managed to save Claire and Hansen, and what made the story a little disappointing was that Danny Carmichael was stated to have no problem at the end of the film and the real scapegoats in this film were Hansen and Six.

    This is truly an unpredictable plot twist. Not only in films, in the real world the leader can do anything for the benefit of himself and his organization. Luckily, Six managed to escape from prison and took Claire with him so they could live peacefully somewhere

    My opinion this is a good film with a very interesting story, with every epic scene shown in the film making this film suitable for watching with family at home while relaxing in the evening.

    Every exciting and tense action shown in the film also creates interest for every viewer who enjoys this film because the directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo have embellished this film perfectly, so that this film is an exciting action game that lasts 122 minutes. This got a rating of 6.5 from the IMDB site.

    The main conclusion that I can take from watching this film is never hurt your child just because of your selfishness to make him accept your character, by feeling hurt the child's emotions will become disturbed and there is a big possibility that he will hold a grudge and can even kill our father at some point. just like what Six did.

    Likewise in the field of work, do your work professionally and always walk on the right path because evil will always be defeated by good.

    This is a review of the film The Gray Man, I always try to continue to upgrade my writing in reviewing each film, if there are still shortcomings in this review, please provide constructive comments below so that I can continue to deepen my knowledge and continue to correct my mistakes in the next post. I'm @aquagelas here, see you in the next post.

    Note: All the images above are screenshots from my personal Samsung Galaxy A33 smartphone.

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